Liar, liar pants on fire

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"Linzey, my names Linzey."

Off in the distance Kyle smiles. Almost in saying 'good job.' Most kids would be punished for lying, were praised. Learning the way of life at an early age.


The rain hits the window like glass piercing the skin. The noise fills the silence of the room. The occasional crash of thunder and flash of lightning. It's 6:43am and the beautiful sun that rises each day is hidden by the clouds. It's a cold, rainy, January's day in Chadron, Nebraska. I double check the locks on the doors and shut the curtains tightly before I turn on the lights. I flip through the newspapers headlines and find my 'name', Carly Lianmey deadly car crash, walks away unharmed:

Sounds like me.

It's nothing special, you know. Walking out alive. I guess it's in my blood.

Ryan Jackson only survivor of old side church:

Lyan Coner found unharmed under ruble from the falling Waystory building:

Were really good at hiding for some reason.I don't know how we do it, but we can't die. Only our kind can kill us. But those who know this hunt us down. torture us for information. That's why we run. Once some one finds out who we are, we are as good as dead. So it's name changes and living out of a suitcase. But that's fine, we don't have a choose if we live.

Overtime I never been found. Ever. I stay hidden. You know when you lose your remote and you look every where and it's in the fridge? You'd never think of looking there. That's like me. I'm that remote in the fridge.

"Haha, who's sky?"
"Sorry, Carly" Kyle says
"What's up Lyan" I can just see him now rolling his eyes.
"Do you wanna meet up sometime? I haven't seen you in like a millennium!" I laugh at him.
"You know the danger in doing that, Kyle"
He sighs
"I know but come on Sky, please?"
I give in.
"Fine, but if they see us, it's on you"
"Yay! I'll meet you at the old hide out K?"
"Bring Luke"
"Whatever, bye Carly!"
"Bye Lyan!"

I hang up and go back to scanning through the paper.


It's around 2am when I decide to get some sleep, since I'll be back on the road again early tomorrow. I just hope we don't get spotted. I'm really looking forward to a normal day with the boys.

Chapter 2: Watch your step




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