Chapter 6

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Suddenly Ryan stopped talking . Than I felt a hand on my shoulder. Both of us made eye contact before turning around.

' No way .........

....It can't be....

...It's the ...

Crown prince !? Wait a minute, wait just a fucking minute . First of all,
Why the fuck ? How the fuck? And when the fuck did he get behind us!?

( The guestions I ask myself every day)

I looked over at Ryan who was looking straight at me too .

Well it was uncomfortable since ya know we sorta low-key tried to kill the poor child , nothing serious...yet... *Gulp* um chile anyways so

Alexander was looking straight at me , smiling from ear to ear . What's up with this kid he'd almost been killed , well not that our intention was ofc but accidents do happen

( Yuh ❤️ especially with children... *Cough* too soon sorry not sorry)

"Your highness? Forgive this lovly one for asking but what business do you have with us?"

"Ah no need to be so formal . I just wanted to check on all the guests considering the circumstances. I've heard quite a bit about you miss Alice . My I ask who might this gentleman be?"

"Certainly your highness, this boy with me is my personal butler and childhood friend , Ryan"

Shit , shit , shit why is he so interested, and why would he go outside where he was almost killed a few meters away!?

I looked at the crown prince , and he opened his lips to say something but closed them . He looked at me with an indespribable look , it showed sadness, hope and something else I can't identify .

"Please call me Alexander when we are alone you two . I'd like to ask you to go inside and get ready to depart to your mansions."

"Certainly your highness"

As we were walking behind him , we finally got to the exit . And he just stopped in front of the door like a ..... What's that Annabelle shit called again???

<< It's called a doll ,ya dense mf .>>

'When will Alexander move?'
"Alexander are you alright 🙂 why did you suddenly stop?"

"Oh nothing , my apologies"

I said move
He said no
I said move
He said no

He moved to the side of the door
<< A bitch ✨ MOVED ✨>>

*Snorts* ' Ryan?'

<< Yes~>>

' your my bitch now'

<< Wasn't I already?>>

And after that whole fiasco we finally got home.
<< There's something I forgot , and I think you did too ...>>

" What?"

<< Wasn't the original Alice supposed to be best friends with the Crown prince or whatever he's calling guy ?>>

"... You've got to be f-in with me . But wait in the otome game we never got to see the interactions between them , only in the hallway at most ... So the question is ..."

<< How exactly did they become best friends and how did their friendship end to begin with?>>

( Now to get into a little more of what exactly our two lovely darlings of protagonists did this time.

Weeks leading up to the tea party,
Alice and Ryan looked at all the girls attending the tea party, their status. To see who's in the position to be able to become the future Queen. They investigated all of them , to see their past in the original  story and to see what makes them tick.

Only one person was suited for the position, a young lady named Liliana Margarita.

They discovered she was a kudere and her past , the way she wanted to introduce herself at the tea party in the original story but couldn't because the heroine took the spotlight .

Now make way our matchmaker's are here.
Hehe I must wonder what will happen in the future . Oh what fun !)

First of all thank you for reading this piece of shit , I will be eternally grateful  . Till next time Adios !

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