Chapter 4

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Alice POV

>> So is everything ready?<<

"Why of course. We didn't do all the dirty work for nothing , did we ?"

I must say nothing beats lippe tea while waiting for the show to unfold.

( *Sips tea*  yeah you're my favorite mortal I've ever created ,like my own daughter a spitting image of yours truly.)

I can hear all the shouting and fangirling increase . I see.... The Queen left the crown prince to socialize, no wonder girls are losing their own perspective shit.

There are a few minutes before the main show starts , the main show originally being the first meeting between the heroine and the crown prince.

>>But we can't let that happen now can we?<<

" *Sigh*  stop reading my mind will you?"

>>So then is our candidate ready?<<

"Pretty much, all is prepared now all we need is a distraction from the heroine . You can handle that right?"

And now I see  Ryan smirking , a very evil smirk .

<< You have one too.>>

Ryan stated like a know-it-all . Well at least things will be more interesting than the original bland story.
In the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of our candidate.
Now then let the show begin.

Normal POV

The crown prince was speaking and introducing himself to his peers. Socializing , making connections etc...
Then suddenly


All the nobles turn their heads in the direction of the scream...... Assassin ......
The man was aiming his bow. And before anyone knew it  .

An arrow was going straight twords the crown prince Alexander.....
But thankfully a young lady saved him .
She was the candidate that Alice and Ryan picked , where as the heroine was busy being crushed in the crowd of infants. That they may or may not have organised to be specifically around her at the time*whistles*.

A brave lady indeed for not only saving the Prince's life but also cabedoning him .

( *At the same damn time* 👏👏👏)

The girls name is Liliana Margarita the first daughter of a marguis family , an influential one at that.

So what will happen now that the crown prince was saved by her instead of the heroine ? What about the engagement to the villainess?
Well find out in the next chapter .  Sorry if it took so long to update .Until next time. Adios!

[ADOPTED]In order to survive I have to save the capture targetsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora