10) A Present From An Old Friend

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"Greetings Miss Lan."

"Greetings Mengyao. Where are you headed off to?"

"I just wanted to say goodbye to you before I leave."

"Leave? Why? Aren't you staying for the rest of the lecture?"

"I'm afraid not. I can't as I'm not a disciple, I am nothing but an assistant for the Nie clan leader and his younger brother."

"Maybe in terms of ranks you aren't, but your intelligence and the way you hold yourself in front of others in a situation as important as the clan pledge is much better than many of us who are disciples can. You talked with such passion and poise today during the pledge! I'm sure you have many talents that we disciples could not compare to, don't talk about yourself so low. Please, call me Lan Ying. I'm not too big on being addressed formally anyways."

"Thank you for your praise then Miss, I mean, Lan Ying. I just wanted to tell you that I admire you for all your achievements in the cultivation world. Now that I've talked to you, you are even nicer than everyone says."

"Thank you Mengyao. I have to get going now. Oh, before I go, don't listen to what others say about you. We can't change who our parents are and how we were born, just how we choose to live our lives and contribute to the world. Have a safe trip back home." she smiled and bid him goodbye and was on her way, not knowing that she left a boy who was blushing and smitten behind.    

Xiao Ying sat down on the rock and took in all the nature around her. The sound of the rushing waterfall that was rough but calming all at the same time, the birds, and the calm atmosphere. Cloud Recesses was anything but calm right now with all the bustling disciples. As Xiao Ying closed her eyes to revel in the peace, she heard footsteps approaching her. She quickly got up and turned around, on high alert as she didn't want to fall victim to anyone's pranks today. Instead of being met with Wei Wuxian or Nie Huaisang, she came face to face with Wen Qing, much to her surprise. 

"Greetings Miss Lan." She bowed to the girl in white.

"Greetings. Can I help you, Miss Wen? What are you doing so far in Cloud Recesses?"

"I was looking for you actually. I had asked your older brother when I ran into him and he said if you weren't in the library I might find you here."

"Oh. May I ask why?"

"Do you know anyone by the name of Xiao Ying? A friend wants me to give something to her. I assumed you would know as I don't think asking your brother would've been of help. I'm not sure if he knew all of the female disciples around here seeing as he seems to be busy as a Clan Leader."

"The only Xiao Ying I know around here is myself, actually."

"But, aren't you a Lan?"

"Long story short, I was adopted by GrandMaster Lan and had my name be changed from Xiao Ying to Lan Ying."

"Oh. Well then, here you go, this is for you. Have a good day then Miss Lan, I will see you tomorrow during our lecture."

Wen Qing dropped the blue pouch into Xiao Ying's hands and left after bidding her a good day. 

Who on earth would send me a pouch? Is it him?! It couldn't be.... could it? 

They Don't Know You Like I Do (Xue Yang x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz