Chapter Sixteen - Christmas games

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"Thanks, but I'm saving room for dessert." Harry declined politely, smiling with slight embarrassment – possibly because he'd been caught eating mostly meat again, and then only enough to fill a six-year-old – but he was a brave man... Draco would have taken the parsnips just to avoid the look Minerva was now sending Harry's way. Yes, Minerva might be aging gracefully, but she was still a formidable woman ... and not someone you denied if you could help it.

Harry was always weird with food though, Draco thought, wondering if that was just part of being a Potter or something. He'd noticed Harry's complete lack of eating routine, how he simply ate when he wanted – which wasn't much at all; Harry also skipped meals in the Great Hall, and when Draco had asked about it in the past, Harry had just shrugged and said, 'Kreacher brings me food when I ask for it, I sometimes eat in my private chambers.' He wasn't sure why it bothered him or acted like an itch he needed to scratch, Harry wasn't losing weight or anything, but it was a mystery... and Draco liked to solve mysteries.

"You've barley eaten Potter!" Draco said before he could stop himself.

"I just don't have a big appetite, its not like I'm underweight or anything." Harry chuckled rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'll take that–"

Draco was interrupted by a loud bang of a nearby cracker. Two fifth year Hufflepuffs – Miss Briana Payne, the girl that had blown up many cauldrons this year, and Miss Ella Munson – had just pulled the first Christmas cracker. Both girls were laughing as Miss Payne donned a rather large, bright-yellow sunhat, featuring dancing reindeer. The typical squeak of mice was followed with an obnoxious squeal of horror from Miss Josephine Prescott – a second year Slytherin, who jumped to stand on her bench, and an equally ear-piercing shriek from Miss Leona Adair – a first year Ravenclaw.

"Miss Prescott!" Draco's voice of annoyance was laced with a cold disappointment, and the entire table went silent. Perfect, Draco thought, when the girl in question looked contrite at his glare. "Forgive me if I missed the latest," he drawled, "but I'm quite certain that the customary behaviour of one at the dinner table, is still to remain seated unless one is excused or one excuses themselves."

Unknown, and unseen by Draco, a shiver ran though Harry spine – caused by that drawling voice that reminded him so much of one Severus Snape. Draco's ability to silence a room, to gain totally silence, and to send chills down his spine with his voice alone... Damn, it was attractive and arousing!

"But there was rat sir, and-"

"A mouse, actually!" Filius Flitwick added, nodding from a few seats up in his modified – raised chair. He wasn't angry, but a little disappointed. "That was quite an unnecessary commotion from you too Miss Adair." Filius address his first year Ravenclaw with a shake of his head.

"Sir?" Miss Leona Adair looked offended. "It was a mouse! They carry diseases, plagues, and-"

"I hate to say it Professor Flitwick," Minerva shook her head in feigned sympathy, "but we may have just discovered an unintelligent eagle. It will surely be one for the history books! I dare say it is pointless arguing, but," she turned to face the Ravenclaw student, "I can assure you Miss Adair, that if you end up in the hospital wing due to rodent-bite fever, I'll award you a house point for every spot you can find when the rash eventually breaks out."

There were a few chuckles at the table, from some of the students and teachers alike. Hagrid seemed to shift slightly with his hand in one of his pockets. Miss Adair and Miss Prescott, both looked equally embarrassed.

"I'll warn everyone now," Minerva address all the student's this time, "for those of you who do not know yet. Each Hogwarts Christmas cracker contains mice, if that is going to be an issue for you... you may be excused back to your dormitory. Although I must also inform you that rats and mice have lived within these walls since the founders built the school, perhaps Beauxbatons Academy of Magic will be better suited to your needs."

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