Chapter Seventeen - Sonixies

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Harry had just finished his reply to Draco/Tau – after pacing his private rooms, tapping nervously with his fingers and quill, and spending the last two hours trying to think of what to actually say. The truth had to come out – there was no sensible alternative option – but he was assuming that Draco would never talk to him again after it did, and because of that belief, he wanted to wait until he'd shown his memories to Mr Silas Avery; until they had dealt with that boy to the best of their abilities, they couldn't risk being at odds with one another.

He was ashamed to admit – even if it was just to himself – that he needed Draco to be there when they viewed the memories. He'd been thinking about precisely what memories to show Mr Avery, and just the thought of them unsettled him. Yes, he'd grieved for the lives lost in the war, learnt not to place the blame so heavily on his own shoulders, and spent years in therapy, but his flashbacks and emotions simply failed to understand logic and reasoning; it wasn't logical to lose his mind to visions when he thought back to certain events, and it made no sense because he'd been through all the motions towards recovery... but it didn't matter! His head was fucked up, and he knew he'd need the support when the time came. Worst case scenario: he'd have a flash back, and Mr Avery would take advantage of his lack of awareness and attempt to kill him. Best case: he'd be slightly affected and he'd have Draco there for support.

If he agreed to meet Draco before then, to reveal his true identity, there was a massive chance that Draco would refuse to talk to him again. Yes, he could ask Minerva to assist him, but Draco would have the better chance of getting through to Silas as an ex-death eater, and as Slytherin's head of house. It all came down to the fact that Draco had to be there; he couldn't jeopardise the only opportunity they had to help Silas reform – if it was even possible – and that meant delaying the date of their inevitable meeting.

He'd spoken with Minerva again last week, with Draco, and they had agreed that they should work with Silas over a week or two, not just on that first Friday of the new term – Friday 7th of January – because changing one's opinions didn't happen overnight, and they had quite a bit to get through if they had any hope of getting through to the boy. They'd also agreed that Silas would receive detention every night, starting from the first day of term – Monday the 3rd of January – and that he would not be permitted his wand outside of lessons or unsupervised for the first four weeks of term. Mrs Avery – Silas's mother – had collected her son's wand after her meeting with Minerva back on the 19th of December, and she had been informed that, if Silas attempted to harm another person – be it a student or a teacher – he would be expelled and the Aurors would be notified. Suffice to say, the woman had left in an angry huff.

Well, that left Harry agreeing to meet Draco/Tau at Le'Amortentia, on Saturday the 29th of January... five weeks away. He really didn't want to wait that long; leaving Draco to believe that Padfoot was going to sweep him away in some romantic notion, while denying any feelings for him/Harry, was almost crippling him with guilt ... but he felt that Silas was more important than his own personal matters right now, and there was no way this would work if Draco wasn't on speaking terms with him. So... he checked his letter one last time before sending it off.

Good evening Tau,

I had a great Christmas thank you, and I hope you had a good day likewise.
I am delighted that you asked to meet and I have been waiting for you ask, my Chéri, and I apologies for not anticipating your desire to do so. I'll admit, I was afraid you would decline if I asked you before you were ready.

As much as I love the winter, it is a busy time of year – a busy Christmas leading into the start of a busy new year for me. With work especially, the earliest I can meet you, is Saturday the 29th of January. Any time works for me that day, and I hope this is suitable for you.

Chérie, parchments and quillsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon