Episode 8

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Milo stopped at Sam's place as he did most weekends. Usually Saturday mornings involved them lying in bed together all morning, but not today. Milo had to get up and go home. His mother was having family around for lunch and he'd been told in no uncertain terms that he had to be there. He'd also been told to stop by the shop on his way back and pick up a few things that his mother needed.

'Are you sure you can't stay a little bit longer,' said Sam, trying to lure his boyfriend back into bed. Milo was fully dressed, tying up his shoes whilst sitting on the edge of the bed. Sam was still baked under the covers.

'I really wish I could,' said Milo, 'but Mum would disown me if I'm not back by eleven.'

'How keen are you on your family?' Sam joked. 'You could live here if they chucked you out, then we'd never have to get out of bed.'

'I need to stay in her good books right now. I'm going to tell her this afternoon that we're seeing each other.'

'Okay.' Sam nodded.

'They're going to want to meet you. Are you free to come over for dinner and day next week?'

'Yeah, just let me know what day and I'll workaround it. Do you think they'll be okay with us?'

'Probably not, but I'm tired of hiding it from them. If we're going to give this a real go, then I've got to tell them.'

Milo kissed Sam, before standing up to go.

'Are you going to give Michael a call today? I think you should tell him before he hears it from someone else,'

'I will,' said Sam.

'Good luck.'


Jack was still asleep when Oscar called him. It took him a few moments to come around and find his phone. He could see it was a video call, which wasn't ideal. He didn't want his boyfriend seeing him looking like shit. He slid his finger across the screen to answer all the same. Oscar took a good look at Jack as the call connected.

'I'm sorry baby, did I wake you?' said Oscar.

'What time is it?' said Jack, rubbing his eyes.

'It will be eleven o clock your time,' said Oscar. 'Do you want me to call back later?'

'No, I should be getting up anyway.'

'Heavy night?'

'Yeah, not sure how many I had.'

'Did Max have a good time on his birthday?'

'I think so. He didn't stop dancing all night.'

'Cool. Anything else happen?'

Jack thought back to last night. It was all a bit of a blur.

'There was one thing,' said Jack, remembering a conversation he'd had with Marcus. 'I was actually speaking with someone who knew you.'

'Oh, who?' Oscar asked.

'A guy called Marcus.'

Oscar remembered Marcus. They'd had a moment in the club cubicle. Oscar didn't really want that moment bringing back, so didn't go into any details of that day.

'Oh yeah, I think I remember him. What did he say about me?'

'Not much, just that you'd chatted '

'Yeah, I think we did. So you talked to him last night?'

'Yeah. He really blatantly tried it on with me.'

'Did he try to kiss you?'

'No, nothing like that. He just laid his cards down in the table and said what he wanted.'

Soho Dreams: a Soho Nights StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora