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Zayn's POV

We got back to Liam's house after finding a drunken Niall in the street and Liam and I helped him wobble into the house, he kept burping and laughing hysterically as he did, everytime he released gas from his system I heard Louis cringe. We sat Niall down on the sofa and Liam proceeded to remove his clothes, Louis and I exchanged uneasy looks, Liam was a bit too open about how gay he was. Liam then pulled some pajama bottoms over his bare legs, wrapping him in a blanket.

'He is unbelievably cute.' Liam chuckled, running his fingers through his hair, I stared at him and bit my lip, his eyes almost flashed as the light hit them and he looked at me.

'Zayn, stop biting your lip, it's really turning me on.' Liam admitted, patting me on the shoulder, making me jump, his eyeline flickered between the two of my eyes and in a split second he glanced at my crotch and back up, grinning slightly, I heard Louis clear his throat as he saw us having a moment and we turned away, Liam scratching his head he followed me as I left to go into the kitchen.

Louis' POV

Liam had cleverly placed a bowl at Nialls feet just in case he threw up, I sighed and sat down on the sofa.

'Well, there goes my best friend, and the guy I like.' I spoke to Niall who was still sleeping, his chest moving up and down as he breathed in and out. I put my head in my hands and sighed, trying hard to stop from crying, I could hear low mumbles from behind the kitchen door and I kicked myself for not getting there first, don't get me wrong, I know why Liam likes Zayn, he's a sex god, but I'm scared that if he falls for Liam I'll lose him as a friend. Niall, interrupting my thoughts sat up suddenly and threw up neatly into the bowl, he groaned and threw up again, I scooted down the sofa and rubbed his back, playing with his hair, I felt him smile.

'You okay?' I asked, he nodded and put his head in his hands, his stomach lurched and he burped, nothing coming out this time, I moved my hand from the side of his head and stood up.

'Hold on, I'll go get you some water.' I told Niall, ruffling his hair, he threw himself backwards into the sofa and groaned again, I picked up the bucket and shuffled towards the kitchen. I placed my hand on the handle and opened the door, Liam and Zayn were sitting at the kitchen table doing a lot more than just talking, I wondered why they had gone quiet. They were so far down each others throats that they didn't even notice me come in and start slamming things around.

'Try not to swallow each other.' I said bitterly, storming out of the kitchen and slamming the door behind me. I handed the water to Niall and helped him hold the glass as he'd become too weak to hold it.

'Get some rest.' I smiled, pulling the blanket over him, he pulled it up into his chest and closed his eyes, I placed the bucket back down just in case and picked up the glass, taking it into the kitchen. This time, the boys were just talking genuinely, way too intimately though, Liams hand was on Zayns thigh, dangerously close to his thigh, Zayns hand on Liams on the table top, I couldn't help but feel somewhat territorial about Zayn, I'd known him for so long it seemed wrong for him to be with someone else like this.

'Louis.' Zayn tried to say, I pretended I didn't hear him, my ears were pre occupied with the commotion that seemed to be coming from the street outside, I sighed, probably another drunk brawl.

I headed for the door way when I heard the words 'Please, I don't know what you want from me.' The boy, whoever it was, seemed to be in trouble.

I threw the door open, ignoring Zayn's pleas not to. I walked towards the noise, a boy, about my age had been pushed into the side of a car, a knife held into his throat, blood already pouring from his nose and mouth, he was practically begging for his life. As I got closer, I saw that the boys eye was yellow from bruising and although one of his hands was held up trying to defend himself, the other hand was hanging limply by his side.

'Hey!' I yelled, the boy who was attacking him turned around, startled that someone had found him, he pulled the knife away from his throat but pushed his hand into his chest to keep him where he was.

'Who are you?' He shouted in return.'

'Doesn't matter. Move away and drop the knife, you really don't want to make me mad, not tonight.' He shrugged his leather jacket onto his shoulders and threw the knife at me, I ducked just in time, the point of it flew into a nearby lamp post, slicing a wire causing it to turn off. Just for a second, the attacker turned and punched the boy one more time, knocking him out, I used that seconds to dart towards him and drag him off, his body slumped pathetically underneath mine as I straddled him.

'I told you not to make me mad.' I sighed, punching him, over and over until I felt him go limp, he deserved a taste of his own medicine. When I felt as though he probably wouldn't follow me if I stood up, I stopped, picking up the boys unconscious body and carrying him inside, Liam and Zayn had been watching the whole time, the front door open.

'Thanks for the help.' I remarked sarcastically, laying the boy on the sofa, removing his shirt to see if there was any other damage.

Niall was sitting up on the sofa now, a lot of colour had come back to his face and I smiled at him, he returned the smile and stood up.

'Did you want to sleep in a proper bed you two?' Liam asked, being friendly, Niall agreed almost instantly but I shook my head.

'No, he needs reassurance if he wakes up.' Liam muttered something and went upstairs, followed by Niall.

The boy moaned underneath the cloth I'd put on his eye.

'Hey.' I whispered as he woke up, he smiled and wrapped his hand around my wrist.

'You, you saved me.' He mumbled. 'Thankyou.' He spoke again.

'You're welcome, what's your name? I'm Louis.' I introduced myself and washed the cloth.

'Harry.' He replied, his eyes closing again, he fell asleep and so did I, on the floor right next to him, it took me a while, I was thinking about how much I'd upset Zayn.

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