Chapter 7 - Music Lover

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Alexis's POV:

I had been at the Horse King's home for about a week now. He would bring me food and take care of Jewel. The strange thing about him was how close he was with Jewel. She trusted him and liked him. That was strange. She trusted a masked man but not the sheriff of the town. My daughter was a strange one. But her judgment was keen.

This morning I had decided I was going to get up for the first time. The Horse King hadn't said I could but I was tired of laying there. I moved my feet from under the blanket and managed to pull myself to my feet. I hopped around for a moment on one foot and flinched when I tried to put weight on my broken ankle. I looked around the room and saw a cane in the corner. I hopped over to it and picked it up. Putting my weight on the cane, I managed to walk into the main room. When I looked around I couldn't see anyone. I heard laughing and knew Jewel was outside.

The room was of a fairly good size with a piano and a guitar. In the opposite corner was a table under a window. There were two chairs and one stool sitting by it. Against another wall was a couch. There was a door leading to the left which led into the kitchen. I took a deep breath and made my way to the front door of the house. I opened it and hobbled out. What I saw amazed me. It was like a large ranch. Mustangs were grazing in open pasture land and several large paddocks were spread about. A large stable rose high against the sky.

In one large paddock, the Horse King was working with a bay mustang. He was riding it bareback and bridle-less. I hobbled over to the side and watched him. He was a master rider. The way he moved with the horse was astonishing. It was like he and the horse were one. I heard laughing and saw Jewel was playing with a large black dog. I looked at the Horse King and saw that he was watching me. He didn't make one move toward me so I limped over to Jewel. She looked up and me and flung her arms around me.

“Mama, you're up!” I laughed and hugged her back.

“Yes, darling. I am finally out of that bed. How have you been?” She giggled and pointed toward the dog.

“Night is tons of fun to play with. And so are the mustangs. Horse King has been teaching me how to ride.” She grinned proudly. I chuckled. I hadn't seen her so happy in such a long time. She was thriving here. She loved the horses and the freedom. “And,” she continued happily, “Horse King doesn't mind that I am deformed. He says that I am just as nice a girl even with the deformity.” I looked down at her and smiled. The Horse King seemed to understand her. That was a relief. At least there was someone who didn't think she was a freak. I hated it when people thought my daughter was anything other than a sweet girl who just happened to be a genius.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see the Horse King walking towards me. I smiled at him. He made a motion with his hands and Jewel ran off with the dog. He took me by the arm and helped me into the house where he gestured for me to sit down. He sat down on his piano bench and looked me over.

“Your ankle feeling better?” I laughed.

“Well, still broken so it hurts but thanks for the cane.” He chuckled.

“That was Jewel's idea. You have quite a daughter. She has been riding my horses and playing my piano. But she only plays the piano when you are asleep. She says she doesn't want to wake you up.” I laughed and said,

“That is the way she is. You know, she is only four.” He shook his head.

“She told me that and I couldn't believe it. There was only one person I knew that was like her. It seems that deformity and genius runs together.” His mask moved and I sensed he was smiling. There was something about this man that quite appealing. Why did he have to be so handsome! Why did he have to be kinder and more handsome than Richard. Richard was honest. He didn't like Jewel and that was strike one. But he was honest. I didn't know why the mysterious men had to be the handsome ones.

“I guess so.” I responded when I realized I hadn't said anything for the past minute. “She is quite brilliant. It was her saving grace with my mother and father. Mom and Dad didn't want anything to do with her until they heard her play the piano. Then they started to warm to her a little.” The Horse King turned around and started to tap something out on the piano while saying,

“What about the father?” I gritted my teeth and said,

“I haven't spoken to him since the day she was conceived. It was,” I mumbled the rest. “Date rape.” He must have had good ears because he slammed his hands down on the piano and turned with fire in his green eyes to look at me.

“Why would he rape you? That-” He growled out something I couldn't hear and was grateful I couldn't. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don't know. I think it was because I refused to do it with him willingly.” I hung my head. That was one thing I kept thinking was that had I agreed I might not have gotten pregnant. He might have used protection and I might not have ever had the trouble I had. But I wouldn't ever regret having Jewel. She had been a blessing to my life. The Horse King walked over to me and sat down beside me on the couch. He laid a hand on my back.

“It wasn't your fault. It was his. He shouldn't have even asked. That is something that should one should wait for marriage for. I have somethings I would like to say to him.” I noticed that his hand was shaking.

“Why is your hand shaking?” He took a deep breath and said,

“I haven't touched another human in years. I have lived alone for most of my life. That is the curse of being the Horse King.” He walked back over to his piano and started to play again. I curled up on the couch and felt a wave of exhaustion come over me I. I wondered how a man could live without the touch of another human being? I know I couldn't. Also I felt something. Something blooming in my heart. Something toward the Horse King. I wonder what his name is?

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