Chapter 18 - Hospital

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Dear Readers,

Yeah, I have pretty much given up on the idea of waiting until the 18th to post. Writing is becoming my life and I really want to get this done. So here is another chapter. I can't promise when I will post again but this book is almost done. Not telling how it ends. HEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *evil laughter* ENJOY this next installment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Alexis's POV:

I wrung my hands and forced myself not to keep pacing. I had gotten Erik back to his home where the police were still waiting. They were all more then willing to help me get him to the hospital where I was now. The doctors had taken him in for immediate surgery to get out the bullet and to try and stop the bleeding before he lost anymore. I had actually been surprised that he was still alive. Somehow he had managed to hold out enough of a flicker of life that the doctors had been able to keep it burning.

Now, all we had to do was wait. Jewel was sleeping in Grandmother's lap and perfectly content. She, of course, had started to panic when she saw Erik is such a state. But now she seemed willing to trust others to take care of him. After all, she couldn't do anything about it.

I looked over at her face and sighed. My life had been drastically altered by two deformed individual. First my daughter then the man I loved. But it had been a good change. When I had found out that I was pregnant I had wanted nothing more than to go back and change things. I wanted a normal life. But by the time that I saw my daughter's face for the first time I had changed my mind. I had given up on normal and embraced the abnormal.

I moved over beside Jewel and twirled a lock of her hair between my fingers. I loved my little genius. I loved her so much and wouldn't take anything in exchange for her.

Suddenly, I heard someone softly call my name. I looked up and a nurse was looking at me and gesturing for me to come over. I stood up and hurried across the waiting room. She smiled at me and said,

“Erik Destler is out of a surgery. He came through alright and we are fairly sure he will make it. I wouldn't get your hopes up but things are looking better. Is there any next of kin you could contact?” I shook my head.

“Sorry, Nurse, his brother is dead and I know nothing of the rest of his family. He has lived on his own since he was about seven.” A look of curiosity spread across the nurse's face but she didn't ask any questions.

“Well, I am sorry to hear that. Why don't you go on home and come back in the morning? You look dead on your feet. The little girl looks tired as well.” I smiled and said,

“I will go ahead and send Jewel and my grandmother home but may I stay here? Is there anyway for me to get some rest in his room?” The nurse looked at me and said,

“Well, he is in ICU so it isn't normally done. I guess we could make an exception for you. I understand you are his girlfriend?” I nodded. I wasn't sure what to call myself but girlfriend sounded good enough.

“Yeah, we are quite close and I couldn't sleep with him here.” She laughed a little.

“Is that his little girl?” I looked at her and realized the connection she was making.

“Oh, no, Ma'am. We haven't been dating for that long. He loves her like a daughter though.” The nurse smiled and said,

“Well, why don't you explain to your grandmother and daughter what is going on and then I will take you back and get you set up for the night.” I nodded and went over to speak to my grandmother.

“Grandmother,” I shook her gently and she opened her eyes slowly.
“What is it, darling?” I smiled slightly and said,

“They are letting me stay the night here in Erik's room. Why don't you take Jewel on home? Both of you need to get some rest. I will be fine here.” Grandmother sighed.

“Are you sure?” I nodded and she smiled.

“Well, you go on. I will take Jewel home. You go see your young man. Alexis, don't ever let him go. He is a fine catch for all his problems. Go on.” She shooed me over to the nurse and I left the nurse after giving Jewel a light kiss on the cheek.

A cot was brought for me while I stared at Erik's limp form. They said he was alive and his heart monitor was showing that they told the truth. I walked over and carefully took his hand in mine. My heart lept at the fainest squeeze he gave my hand. I leaned down and whispered,

“I am here, Erik, my love. I won't leave here unless you are with me. I love you.” I thought for a moment he might have smiled but I could see nothing through the mask. I was certainly surprised that left it on but they had and I was grateful for it. It would be to his wishes.

I looked toward the cot and barely made it over before collapsing into it. My sleep was good but very restless. I couldn't sleep. I shifted and tossed and turned. There was no rest for me. About five in the morning I opened my eyes and heard a voice call my name.

“Alexis?” I looked over towards Erik's bed and saw those green eyes were open. The green eyes I had often wondered if I would ever see again living.

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