Chapter 2

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"Oh my god your Alfie Deye's!" I spluttered out, completely breath taken at his perfectness. "Aw haha, yeah I am! Do you watch my videos?" He says as he grabs my hand to help me up from crouching down on the grimy pavement. "Of course I do! Your amazing, I'm like your biggest fan oh my god I can't handle this." I replied. 'Oh god, I look like a total fan girling freak right now. Im so embarrassing.' I thought to myself as I was gazing into his pearly brown eyes. "Haha! Thank-you so much your awesome." He chuckled. "Are you on holiday here or something?" He asked me looking down at my bright pink suit case's. I try to compose myself as I say "No no. I come from Cornwall! I'm moving into one of those apartments today, I can't wait!" I pointed at the building, a little ball of excitement erupted inside of me. "Cool, it looks nice a and new! I hope you have fun." He says, his sweet crackly voice sending me nice shivers down my spine. He wrapped my arm around me as I held my phone up to take a selfie. "Bye nice to meet you!" We both said to each other as we walked in the opposite direction's.

As I walked away I came into the realisation of what just happened. I just met one of my biggest inspirations in person. I let out an excited squeak and a little jump up and down to let my feelings out. I heard laughing from over the street, a bunch of skanky teenage boys were laughing at my silliness. I guess I'm gonna have to put up with annoying people like that seeing as I live in the city now! I walked up to my apartment block door, pressed the buzzer and walked in. I ignored the countless wolf whistles the youths were making at me, some of them must have been thirsty.

I walked up the cold and dimly lit corridor to the lift, which was brand new and had a touch screen in it. I pressed floor 2 and off it went. I was squashed in by all my bags, but at least I could breath. My stomach churned as the lift went faster and then came to a sudden stop. The doors slowly opened up to a friendly face, she had the most amazing make up on and god she was stylish. I smiled at her and said a quick "hello!" as she helped me un load my bags from the lift, I thanked her and waved her off. What a kind women.

I arrived to my apartment door. It was white and shiny new, untouched by any other owner. I shakily bashed my key into the hole and stumbled in, amazed at how nice it was. It was so much better than the photos online, I loved it! I dumped my bags into the kitchen and looked around the place. The ceilings where amazing and high, with high up windows that flooded sunlight into the place. I creaked the door open into my new bedroom. I ran and jumped onto the king sized bed, making a massive crease in the striking white duvet cover.

I ran around the the two bedrooms, lounge area, kitchen, and my amazing new bathroom. In cornwall I never had a clean, modern bathroom to myself. I had a dirty, damp wallpaper, granny bathroom. I was so excited to unpack my stuff here so I got myself a well needed glass of water. I connected to the new and fast wifi I had already installed and posted the selfie I got with Alfie to Instagram and Twitter, priorities...


Thank-you guys for reading! Sorry this was quite long today. The length of the chapters will vary depending on what they are about.

Please give this a vote and a comment! It really helps me out, so if you do I will love you forever.

See you in the next chapter and thankyou for reading.

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