Dare 7

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We got another dare! This one is for aoi, @LunaTheDriger has dared aoi to be shiromi's pet for three days.

Aoi: WHAT?!

Shiromi: *smirks* sounds like alot of fun, dont you think so blueberry chan~?

Aoi: *blushing crazy* NO WAY IN IN HELL! FUCK THIS SHIT!

Akane: its a dare dear, you have to do it.

Aoi: i dont give a damn! I wont do it! *starts to walk off*

Shiromi: *arches a brow* you're not backing down a challenge are you aoi? *winks at the other members* *smirks*

Aoi: *stops walking* what- *gets interrupted by kuroko*

Kuroko: *notices this and interrupts* *adjust glasses* it seems like ryugoku san has lost her challenging spirit *smirks secretly*

Aoi: now wait a min-* gets interrupted again* *starting to get pissed*

Akane: *also interrupts aoi* thats so unlike aoi chan to admit defeat so easily! *giggles*

Aoi: Hey im not-! *again gettin cut off* *pissed*

Megami: *arching a brow*where's the fearless aoi now? *smirks*


Shiromi: *giggles* works everytime~

Day 1

~At the rooftop ~

Aoi: *patrolling*

Shiromi: *creeps up from behind* *jumps on aoi's back* blueberry chan~

Aoi: *tumbles a bit* O-Oi! What the hell shortromi!

Shiromi: *giggles* hey blueberry chan~

Aoi: get off.

Shiromi: aww blueberry chan, did you forget im in charge of you now~? *giggles*

Aoi: *blushes but hides it* *mumbles* damn this..

Shiromi: *smirks* aww dont worry~ i wont be too hard on you~

Aoi: *mumbles* hope not.. Got any reason your here? Besides fooling around.

Shiromi: hmmm~ how about my first order~? *snickers*

Aoi: *sigh* which is?

Shiromi: *giggles* call me master~

Aoi: *blushing furiously * WHAT?! NO FUCKING WAY!

Shiromi: hehe~ you have to blueberry chan~ unless you want a punishment ~? *smirks*

Aoi:*mumbles* god i fucking hate you..

Shiromi: Say what you wana say *smirks* So, what would it be blueberry chan~?

Aoi: *looks away embarrassed* f-fine *mumbles* m-master..

Shiromi: i cant hear you~ *snickers*

Aoi: *sigh* *blushes* Master..

Shiromi: *pets aoi* good pet~

Aoi: *mumbles* like this could get any worse..

Day 2

~At school~

Aoi: i take back everything i said.. This is way worse.

Shiromi:*giggles* come on it aint that bad!

Aoi: how is carrying you around not bad?! *trying to get her anger in control* Students are fucking looking at us you shithead!

Shiromi: so? Let them look *smirks*

Aoi: *mumbles* god im gonna kill you three when this is over..

Shiromi : mumbling aint gonna get us to the meeting room edge lord~

Aoi: shutup.. *walks to the councils room*

~at the meeting room~

Kuroko: where are they? They're 20 minutes late!

Akane: calm down dear, im sure they'll be here in no time.

Kuroko: hopefully you're right to right toriyasu san.. *adjust glasses*

Aoi: *comes in carrying shiromi*

Kuroko: care to elaborate why the two of you are late? *adjust glasses* carrying.. Her?

Aoi: *mumbling* its because some dumb ass choose to climb on to me instead of using her own damn legs...

Shiromi: *snickers* what was that blubbery chan~?

Aoi: *sigh* nothing..

Shiromi: *smirks*thats what i thought.

Kuroko: *sigh* since the two of you are here, let us start.

Day 3

Aoi: finally the last day.

Shiromi: *walking alongside aoi: aww man, i was having soo much fun *pouts*

Aoi: well im not. *mumbles* well.. Kinda liked it.

Shiromi: *smirks* what was that~?

Aoi: *blushes and looks away* n-nothing you shithead! Ever heard of personal space?! *playfully shoves shiromi away*

Shiromi: *whines* blueberry chan~ your so mean!

Aoi: *smirks* oh shut up, just tell me what your last order is so we cant get this over with.

Shiromi: *thinks* i already had an idea. *snickers*

Aoi: oi shiromi, spill it.

Shiromi: nothing~ just.. *whisper in aoi's ear*

Aoi: ok? *mumbles* what was that all about..

~at the back of the school 5:00pm~

Aoi: *thinks* where the fuck is she? *sees a silhouette at the cherry tree* *walks towards it*

Shiromi: *thinks* ok you got this, Damnit no i dont! *sees aoi and starts to panic*

Aoi: oi shortromi, what do you want? *oblivious to shiromi's panic*

Shiromi: *mind* i cant do it.. *fakes a smirk* nothing blueberry chan~ the views nice here,plus amai gave us a picnic basket!

Aoi: right.. *mind* guess its not what i thought it was. So were doing a picnic..?

Shiromi: *sits on blanket on the ground* Yep! *giggles*

Aoi: *mind* its not what i hoped for, but this is enough. *hides a smile* whatever shortromi. *sits down beside shiromi*

Shiromi: *looks up the sky* maybe.. One day, ill get the courage to tell her.

Aoi: *secretly looks at shiromi* damn, wonder what shes thinking right now,if only i wasn't such a coward, ill tell her.

Shiromi: *notices aoi looking at her* like what you see blueberry chan~? *giggles*

Aoi: *playfully shoves shiromi's shoulder and laughts* shut up, shithead.

Aoi & Shiromi: but being here with her right now, thats enough for me.



Im finally back yall! Along with many stories that will soon be published! Please, wait for them on my oneshot book, because its not only gonna be a one shot anymore.

Ask Or Dare the student councilHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin