"My biggest motivation is family. They are my biggest source of inspiration and my strongest supporters as well. Although my Dad and my Mom passed away in a car crash when I was 12, untul then my sister took care of me. Another one is Helping others and empowering people. It doesn't matter whether it is a colleague, friend or relative. There are times when the people around your need that extra drive to get going. I relish the opportunity to reach out to such people. It gives me a sense of confidence and belief that I can be of some help. The idea that I might provide a solution to someone's problem is what motivates me to do a good job."

"I'm really sorry about your parents"

"It's okay"

"I really like your determination... I have one last final question, What make can you contribute to us that others couldn't?"

"I'm a determined person who wants to be part of a team that develops great skills. I am a well rounded individual with a very unique blend of skills. Past training and job experiences have allowed me to take on and complete projects and assignments of high importance and increasing difficulty while on time and under budget. And now, I want to be part of your team and solving problems for you. I believe that my unique blend of experience, problem solving skills and people skills differentiates me from most other candidates. I am motivated, disciplined and focused and am willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done."

"Tell you what....You are now part of our firm."

When he said I could be one of them, my face was filled with relief.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much this mean alot to me. I promise to bring you the best of me."

"I will be expecting from you Waverly"

"Thank you so much Mr. Johnson"

"Do you have any questions?"

"Ummmm.. Yes, When will I be starting?"

"As of now we still have no assignments for you but we will call you if we do. Just be prepared because there Is a possibilty we will assign you somewhere else."

"What do you mean by Somewhere sir?"

"Like Seattle, Texas, Chicago basically anywhere in America"

"Oh okay sir"

"Will that be okay with you?"

"Yes 100%"

"Okay, It'a really nice talking and getting to know you Waverly. But I still have a meeting to attend."

"It's really nice knowing you Mr. Johnson and Thank you so so so much"

"Of course, call me if you have any questions"

"Yes sir thank you"

In my entire life, I have never been so grateful. My life is now all starting to come together. I can't wait to tell Wynonna and Nicole.

I instantly picked up my phone when I got out of the room to call Nicole to come and pick me up. I decided to pull her a little joke that I didn't get the job and let's see how she's going to react.

"Baby?" I say in a sad tone

"Hey Waverly, How did it go?"

"Umm... I-it went okay I guess but they weren't really happy and decided not to give me the job"

"Hold on I'm coming I can't believe them"

"No i-it's okay, can you just pick me up?"

"Yes baby, I'm 8 minutes away hold on."

"Okay drive safe"

She my sad face on so she could belive me more. She got out of the car quickly going to me to comfort me. Give me a hug.

"Baby it's okay.... It's their loss."

"I have something to tell you..."

"What is it?"

"Promise me you won't get mad"

"Of course"

"I actaully got the job! (Laughs)"

"Wait what?!"

"I GOT THE JOB! I was just messing with you (laughs)"

"Waverly why do you keep doing this to me, what have I done to you?"

"Alot, you have done things to me alot" I say in my sexy voice

"Well I can't argue with that (laughs)"

"Yeah I know" I say as I lean in for a kiss.

"I'm so proud of you"

Shades of WayhaughtDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora