"How long have you known?" Spencer asks me as we pull away "About 4 days. I wanted to tell you like this because of the circumstances which I told you when I was pregnant with Grace I thought this time would be a little more Special. Trying to hide the morning sickness the last few days has been hard though" I say "that explains why I have woken up to an empty bed the last few mornings." he says smiling and I nod. I look behind me at the sleeping Grace and smile to myself knowing she will be getting someone to play with soon enough. I rest my head on the window and slide my hand into Spencer's. "Merry Christmas Babe" I hear him mumble that night before I fall asleep completely on the bed. 

Spencer's POV 

"I know it's the 26th and we have this week off but you want to get coffee. I never got to talk to my kid brother alone yesterday." Morgan asks when I pick up the phone "Umm good morning to you too" I sarcastically say "Good morning. So do ya?" and I smile to myself looking at Hannah peacefully sleeping next to me "Sure." I say standing up and getting dressed. "Be there in 15" he says and I grab clothes. As I get in his car I quickly shoot Han a text. 

Hey babe, I am going out for coffee with Derek. Be back soon. Stay safe and text me when you wake up beautiful. I love you-SR

I smile and throw my phone in my bag. "So how does it feel knowing you will be a parent to two kids?" he asks as we sit down "Ummm it feels weird but not much different from finding out about Grace. I am not as nervous this time though. Statistically speaking the first kid is the guinea pig child it's where the parents make all there mistakes and they are able to perfect there parenting techniques as more kids come along. So basically this kid should be a breeze" I smile staring at the passing cars imagining what life will be like with two kids. "What you thinking about kid?" Derek asks I shrug my shoulders "Life. How tired I am going to be taking care of 2 kids and having the job that we do? I say "You ever thought about retirement. I know when I left the agency. I was happy, bored, but happy" he says and I shutter at the thought about leaving the team. "I don't know how hannah would feel about leaving the team or how i feel about it. I guess it's something to talk about." I laugh. The rest of the morning is filled with jokes laughs and little pranks. "time to get home. Savannah is freaking out cause she got called in. I need to go watch Hank. it's daddy son bonding time." he says as we get into his car. 

Hey baby. That's fine come back to me soon I miss you already. Stay safe out there and let me know when you are on your way back. I love you- HR

I look at her message and realize it was sent over an hour ago. Good thing about Hannah she won't freak out until I don't get home. 

On my way home-SR

I smile and click my phone off watching the newly formed rain drops fall down the window. The rain turns to snow as I run into the house waving bye to Morgan over my shoulder. I unlock the door and Hannah is sitting on the couch peacefully with Grace on her lap watching her favorite kid show, the wiggles. She is singing to the songs and helping Grace dance. I am happy to say Grace can walk we are just waiting for her to start speaking. Hannah and I both started talking early so we are hoping she doesn the same. Grace looks at me and giggle giving me away. "hey my love" hannah says smiling at me "DaDa" she squeals and my heart melts a little bit. "Awwww. She said Dada first. Her voice is so cute." I squeal sitting down next to Hannah and taking Grace out of her arms. "You say dada again?" "dada" and I smile to myself looking at hannah who is sitting with her arms crossed and a pouty face. "That's not fair. why can't you say mama" she pouts tickling Grace she giggles. After about an hour of the three of us sitting there Grace starts falling asleep so Hannah puts her in the playpen. 

"how was your coffee run with Morgan?" she asks sitting back on the couch "Very informative. I found out that he is jealous we are having a second kid and him and Savannah still haven't and it's been 5 years since Hank was born" I say "Oh you learned all that from one Coffee run with Derek. Since when is Derek Morgan so forthcoming with his feelings? Especially to you" I scoff and throw a pen at her she catches it and giggles. "Hows our little fighter doing in there? You are going to say Dada first too right?" i ask touching her stomach as she lies down "Spencer Reid if you don't stop bragging about that you will be sleeping alone!" she exclaims and I shutter. "I never want to sleep alone so I am sorry" I say pulling her in. "Before this child is born can we get a dog?" I ask "maybe a golden retriever" she smiles and nods into my chest. "Fine we can go next weekend to see what they have. But we are compromising on the name." she says planting a kiss on my cheek. "Whatever." I mumble laughing at her. "I love you Hannah" "I love you too Spencer" she mumbles a few minutes later hear breathing becomes even and she is slightly snoring. I lay my head on hers and suddenly drift into the magical world of dreams where anything is possible. I smile thinking about this kid and how life will be like with two kids, a wife, and a full time travelling job. Maybe derek is right retirement sounds like a good plan. I could be a teacher and work a normal job not worrying about someone attacking my family everytime we arrest an unsub. I guess that is something every member has to live with. I shrug, smiling and deciding I will bring it up to Hannah during the right moment. Whenever that may be. 

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