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Hannah's POV

My eyes flutter open and I am in a super bright BAU. I look around and see a pretty girl standing there. 

 "Who are you? What happened to my wedding? Am I dead? This wasn't death last time." I say looking around and then landing my eyes on Spencer's desk. My heart gets really heavy. "You are not dead. Your wedding reception was interfered on by our parents. You hit your head hard on the dance floor. The hospital has you in a coma."  she responds. I look at her curiously. "Wait I am sorry did I hear you correctly did you say Our parents? A coma? Is Spencer alright? Emily? The team?" 

 "Yes I am Jasmine Evans. I am sorry we never got to meet. Spencer is all right. Emily and Tara both were slightly injured and JJ beat up mom. Derek was hit in the abdomen but he should make a full recovery in a few days. Hannah listen to me. Okay you can't die. Mom is in custody but Dad got away. I have been watching over you for a few years now. I am sorry about your abduction. Mom and Dad did the same thing to me that they did to you but I wasn't strong enough to fight back like you were. What you did made a difference in your life and avenged my death. I know I probably shouldn't have gone and dated Gary but i guess serial killers can smell their own kinds blood." she says looking at me. "Wait Gary? Gary Cole. You were his first victim. He looked at me and saw you. I get it I mean i see the resemblance between us. I am sorry I didn't kill him Jasmine. I always wish I got to know you, the records only told me you were killed in a string of serial murders I should've put 2 and 2 together." I say realizing my mistake. 

 "Don't blame yourself Hannah. We don't choose our parents. But you got away from all of that, I know life for you wasn't great after what Frank and  Hermione did to you and the foster system was a bitch to you and then you were abducted and you saw your 3 best friends murdered. But now you are married, someone's wife and you got to choose your family. The BAU loves you. I look around and see a picture of your engagement on Spencer's desk. I find it funny cause you see yourself as some monster but can't see the love right in front of you. I love you Hannah. Now wake up. Wake up Hannah." she says in just over a whisper. 

My eyes flutter open and I see Spencer and Emily sitting in the chairs to my left, they are still in their clothes from the wedding. 

"Spencer? Emily?" I say looking at them. A huge smile spread across both of their faces. "Hey baby. Welcome back." he says rushing over to me. 

 I notice the sling on her arm "Silly isn't it. I am alright. You my friend are fine too you just have a small concussion." she laughs "Spencer Honey. Can you go get me some water?" I ask looking at him. He kisses my head and leaves the room. "I told you something bad was going to happen. I knew we should've just went to city hall and gotten married there. I am so sorry Emily. I shouldn't have out everyone in Danger like that." I say a tear falling down my cheek. 

 "Hannah, Hannah listen to me. Okay we all knew the risks coming to the reception. Everything was beautiful. Your mom is in custody but your dad is in the wind. Luke and Matt got some shots in on him before he fled. They had a getaway car. Morgan is out of surgery he is alright. Tara got hit in the forearm she is alright. JJ has bruises from fighting your mom but overall everyone is okay." She smiles sitting on the edge of the bed. I start twirling my ring and biting my lip. "What did you come to realize in your coma?" she says stopping me from playing with my ring. 

 "I saw my sister. Well what I imagined my sister to look and sound like. My mind took me to the place I felt most safe. The BAU. She told me everything you just did, but also made me realize why Gary Cole came after me out of nowhere. Remember I said my sister was killed by a serial killer. They went to high school together, I was looking for a Katherine Evans her name was Jasmine Evans that makes sense." Spencer walks back in and Emily gets up to leave. "Wait Em where are you going?" I ask. 

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