
442 13 0

December 2006

"Mama, its Kevin!" Eris could barely hold herself up. Standing in her mother's doorway, holding her little boy, eyes full of fear and pain.

"Calm down, whats the matter?" The sergeant asked calmly, attempting to soothe her first born.

"Howie called, they were at that fire, the one where a first responder fell in. He wouldn't be calling me if everything was fine." The girl was starting to panic again, eyes staring down at her son, her son who looked so much like his father.

"I need to go to the hospital, will you watch Kj for me?"

Michael, who had been woken up by the constant knocking, rounded the corner concerned. "I'll watch him, if you wanna go with Aphrodite, Thena."

Without saying anything, Athena ran to her bedroom, grabbed her coat, and one for Eris, who had no doubt rushed out of the house without one for herself, and ushered her daughter into the car.

"I just don't know what I'll do if he doesn't make it."

Athena wanted so badly to console the girl, to tell her that Kevin would make it, that nothing would happen to him, but she'd be lying. She could feel it in her gut the moment she woke up this morning, something bad would happen, and she knew Eris had felt it too.

"Aphrodite, baby, I need you to breath for me. Panicking isn't gonna do you, Kevin, or KJ any good right now. Now breath, wipe your face, and prepare yourself for the worst." To most it would seem like Athena was being harsh, but Eris knew what she meant. 'Walk in here and be strong for yourself and your son, have faith that he's okay, and if he isn't then we'll figure it out if that monster rears its ugly head.'


"Kevin Lee?"

The Lee parents, Howard, Athena, and Eris, stood. One look at the crestfallen doctor almost sent Eris into hysterics.

"No, no, no, no!" She wanted nothing more than to break down, right then and there, but one look at her fiancée's family had her correcting her posture, and walking over to the heartbroken parents. "Ma, can you call Michael please."

"Of course." Athena solemnly walked out to call her husband.


"Michael, its Kevin. Im at the hospital with Eris-"

7 years later

"Mommy, whats wrong?" Eris takes a shuddering breath, looks away from the photo, and looks down to her son.

"You remember what you asked me earlier, about where your father really is?"

"Yeah. I heard you telling grandma that I'll learn what happened to him one day. That you cant keep saying he's an astronaut."

"You know how I always say that your daddy was a superhero?"

"Because he used to bring people out of the fire before he went to the moon?"

"Mhmmm... Well your daddy was being a superhero one night-"

"Saving people at the big fire?"

"Yea baby, at the big fire. But he didn't make it out of the fire this time." He looked questioningly at his mother, noticing the tear tracks.

"Daddy's with Papa Em?" He remembered his mother having the same reaction when asked where papa Em was.

"Yeah baby." Eris choked back a sob as she waited for a reaction from KJ. But all he did was nod his little head and hug his mother.

"It's okay mama. Now pawpaw has company. Now they're both watching over us." Eris cracked a smile at that.

"What did I do to deserve such a sweet boy." Eris placed a kiss to KJ's temple. Smiling lovingly at the boy.

"I dunno. Can we go to grandmas house? I want to play with Harry."

"Yeah baby, just let me put on some shoes."

"And can Ella come?"

"If its alright with her parents, i don't see why not."


How'd it go?


He took it better
than I would have.
Took him and Ella
to my mamas to play
with Harry for a bit

Let me see
the outfits today

*one image*

Nephew ptso

Lets not forget
my baby El✋🏾

Rightt. Ella looks very
cute in her little glasses

Eris Aphrodite Where stories live. Discover now