Nice to meet you, Captain

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"Who's lead detective on this call?" An older gentleman, who I recognize as Captain Nash, asks.

"That'd be me. Eris Carter, it's nice to properly meet you Captain." I spoke formally as I shake his hand.

"So what do we know?"

"Well, your homeowner is one, Daniel Rafa, he's the lead suspect in at least 15 armed robberies and almost double the amount of assaults. Was anyone inside?"

"No ma'am, but we did find this hanging above his kitchen sink." A younger, blonde fireman hands me a metal lockbox. "Whoever did this wanted to make sure whatever's in there didn't burn."

"I think you may be onto something, firefighter..."

"Buckley, ma'am."

"Buckley." I smirk, locking eyes with Howie, earning a slight head shake from the man.

I open the box, seeing at least 10 pictures of a girl, no older than 15, bound and beaten in a chair. Moving the pictures aside, I notice a note.

Tick-tock Rafa

Turning to one of the other officers I speak clearly. "Call Sergeant Grant, detectives Clark and Stone. And let the captain know that we have an abduction and maybe a possible homicide on our hands."

"D, what is it?" Hen taps my arm, trying to pull me out of my head.

Before I can answer, one of the officers is calling for my attention. "Detective! You've gotta see this!"

Walking to him, I see captain Nash also head his way. "What is it?"

"It- I think it's Kj and Harry, ma'am." My shoulders immediately become stiff with tension. I grab the box from his hands, confirming his suspicions with just one glance.

"Howie..." he gently pries the box from my hands, jaw ticking once he looks at the pictures. "These are new, I just braided their hair this morning. They know where we live." He holds up a note, face pale.

School's out Detective

Hen puts her hand on my arm. "Call him, D."

"This is Kj, if youre hearing this Im probably asleep, ill call you when I get up." Straight to voicemail.

"I- I've got to go. Hen, Howie, tell Mani everything when she gets here."

"Hey baby, I need you to call me as soon as you can." I speak into the phone unlocking my car door.

Howie grabs my arm and looks at me seriously. "You cant lead this case, you know that D."

"This is Harry, you know what to do." Voicemail. I sigh deeply before asking Hen to call my mom, trying Harry again.

"Ma, somebody has the boys."

"Slow down, explain everything Eris."

"Whoever set fire to Rafa's house, they have his daughter but there were pictures from this morning of the boys."

"Boys as in Harry and Kj?"

"They're not answering. I did this, i didn't get the system you have- oh my god- this is my fault! Im going to the school."

"Eris, where are you right now?"

"Still at the crime scene, why?"

"Breath. Whos there that you trust?"

"Howie and Hen."

"Have one of them drive you to the school, but make sure its alright with captain Nash."

"Yes ma'am." The call cutoff once my mother calmed me down.

"Captain Nash, may I ask a favor of you?" I spoke quietly as I got out of the car.

"Sure, what do you need detective?"

"Ris! C'mere!"

Eris Aphrodite Where stories live. Discover now