The Academy

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"Hey Bishop, we're going to celebrate finishing the academy back at my place, you wanna join?" I motioned to Angela, Imani, Ezekial, and Tim, whose arm was around my neck.

"I wouldn't want to impose."

"I invited you, you're not imposing Hun."

"Then yeah, I'll swing by." I text her my address once I'm seated in Tim's car.

"Still want to stop and get KJ something to eat?"

"Yes please, Timmy."


"KJ, Uncle Timmy got you your favorite." Tim announces, proudly presenting the paper bag to my 5 year old son.

"You awesome Timmy!" KJ shrieks, jumping from his aunt's lap, and running to be picked up by Tim. KK hugs me while laughing at my son.

"He was an angel, as usual. Auntie Thena brought you some food, its in the fridge. Other than that, everything was normal. I've got to go before dad freaks out. Bye KJ and Ris I love you, and bye guys, congrats on finishing the academy." And with that she rushes out.

"Hey how about we just watch a movie and relax?" I smile at Bishop's idea.

"Yesss. We haven't had time to just sit and enjoy something in weeks. Great idea Bish." I go grab blankets from the hallway closet and distribute them among my friends. "You guys can decide on the movie, I'm gonna go make popcorn."

Before getting up I steal a bite of KJ's waffle, making him pout cutely. "Mommyyyy!"

"Im sorry baby, it just looked so fluffy." I pout back, kissing his cheek.

"Manman, mama steal my food!" He tattles to Imani, purposefully wiping my kiss off.

Mani pops my thigh with a glare. "Stop eating my baby's food, chump."

"Zeke, Mani popped me!" I huffed, rubbing my stinging thigh.

Zeke then pops Mani's arm, chuckling. "Stop popping my bestfriend, jerk."

"Angy, Zeke popped me!"

Angela then throws a pillow across the room, hitting Zeke in the face. "Stop hitting my wife, slut."

Zeke turns to Talia pouting. "Tali, Angy threw a pillow at me!"

Talia turns toward Angy, popping her hand. "Don't throw stuff at Zeke."

Angy then turns to me. "Lia popped me, Ris!"

I mock glare at Lia as I throw a pillow at her. "Don't hit my girlfriend, Bishop!"

Talia then turns to Tim. "Eris is throwing stuff at me, Tim!"

Tim reaches around KJ to pop the back of my head. "Leave Bishop alone-cover your ears KJ-, you ass."

"KJ, Timmy just hit mommy!" I cry into my hands as KJ begins popping Tim on the hand.

"Don't hit my Mama Tim!"

Once our impromptu game of 'Tattle' was finished I finally got up to make the popcorn. "KJ, baby, are you done eating?"

"Yes Mama."

"Throw your trash away and come get a juice."

"Hey Babe?"


"What are we watching?"

"Umm, it's up to you 4."

"Mommy, can I go to Nana's I miss
May-May?" KJ asks gripping my hand.

"Let me see if they're up, Love." I respond, grabbing my phone out of my purse.


"Hey Mommy, KJ wants to come stay with you tonight, is that alright?"

"Girl, bring my baby to his Nana and stop playing!" She huffs through the phone.

"Ok, ok, we're on the way now." I laugh, picking him up. "Nana's waiting on you baby."

"Yess." He whispers triumphantly, causing me to stifle a chuckle.

"Come on love, guys I'll be right back."

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