Chapter 1

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"Draco," called a deep voice.
    Draco Malfoy raised his striking sliver eyes from the book he was reading. He was stretched out on a luxurious leather couch in the Malfoy's living room. Draco shuttered slightly as he remembered the horrid events that had took place here before the war. He vividly remembered Charity Burbage, the old Muggle Studies teacher, falling lifelessly onto the Malfoy's polished wood table, then Nagini slithering onto the table and the horrible sounds that followed. Draco sighed, he hated thinking about the things that had happened before, and during, the Battle of Hogwarts.

    It was August 2nd, exactly three months after the Battle of Hogwarts. When the war had ended the Malfoy's had run away because they knew full well they would be more then just frowned upon by the wizarding community. They were currently residing at the Malfoy Manor. Draco had been rather bored during the summer as his parents had restricted him to staying within the house and garden. But then his thoughts began to wander, to where they had been wandering for quite a while now. He couldn't stop thinking about—

"Draco!" Called the voice again, sounding thoroughly annoyed this time.
"Coming Father," Draco replied, bookmarking his page, setting it on the smooth holly wood table in front of him and walking in his father's study.
"That took you a while," Lucius Malfoy said reprovingly, as Draco took a seat across from his father in the office like room. 

       The walls were a dark grey, giving the room a rather gloomy look. The only light came from a large arched window which was currently covered by heavy black curtains. On the wall, on which the door was, was a plush, black velvet couch and a small glass table beside it. Draco was sitting behind a polished cedar table, on which a few papers and his fathers wand were organised neatly in one corner. Behind the large, gold encrusted, black leather chair Lucius was sitting in was a painting of the first Malfoy, Armand Malfoy. He had long platinum blonde hair like both of the Malfoys in the office, but his face looked much more commanding. Draco quickly tore his eyes away from the painting as his father spoke again.

"I expect better from you, Draco," Lucius said, sitting up straighter and shaking his head at the young blonde in front of him. 

"I apologise Father," Draco responded while he looked directly at his father, not willing to break eye contact. 

"An apology just won't do, Draco," Lucius lamented coldly, "you should know better. Or do you think that the whole of the wizarding community will just accept your apology and move on?"
"I—of course not Father. I promise I won't be tardy next time," Draco uttered, his voice breaking ever so slightly.
"There will be no next time," Lucius said suddenly, reaching his hand towards the pile of papers and plucking a letter from the top, "at least not until Christmas."
"What do you mean father?" Draco questioned, a confused expression twisting his features.
"The teachers and the Headmistress have decided that the education you received in your 7th year wasn't good enough. So everyone is repeating the grade they were in during the war," Lucius explained, an exasperated expression crossing his features.
"Really?" Draco exclaimed, some of the excitement he tried to suppress seeming into his words, "I'm going back to Hogwarts? Wait but aren't we still technically criminals, won't they send me to Azkaban as soon as I leave the house?"
"They decided that your actions were because of fear," Lucius sighed, "You are being cleared to go back to Hogwarts for the 7th year and have a fair chance at getting a job once you leave."
"Yes!" Draco shouted, pumping his fist in the air.
Lucius furrowed his brow but Draco could see a shadow of a smile playing across his lips.
"A-are you smiling father?" Draco asked, squinting at his father as though there was a completely different person in front of him.
"Draco I am so glad you are excited to go back to Hogwarts. This is your chance to bring honour to the Malfoy family!" Lucius chortled, a greedy smile stealing over his features.

          Draco frowned, he had thought for a fraction of a  second that his father might actually have shown some pride in his son. No, he thought, this is just another one of his attempts to bring "glory" to the Malfoy family. Draco got to his feet and left the office sadly. He ran to his room, slammed the door behind himself and dragged his old school trunk from under his bed.
He dusted of  his initials engraved into the trunk in gold. He unclamped it and threw the lid open. Inside was everything he had taken to school last year, nothing out of place. Draco smiled and began to empty and sort his things into piles. There was a clutter of random and broken things at the bottom of his trunk which he quickly cleaned out. He set aside all the clothes he knew were to small for him and wrote a list of new things he needed to buy when they went to Diagon Alley to buy his new school things. After about an hour of folding, writing and throwing out Draco's trunk was ready, apart from the items he had to buy in Diagon Alley. Draco closed the lid again and replaced the trunk under the bed. He sat down on his large king size bed and drifted once again into his thoughts.

So that is it for Chapter 1! Sorry it is so short, I didn't have much time to write it! Please leave your honest opinion of it in the comments and vote! Thank you again to anyone who decided to read this. Chapter 2 is coming soon. When i finish it i will let you know! Bye!

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