"You made all this by yourself?" Dwalin asked breathless.

"Oh no." Bilbo shook his head
"Amara did most of this. She had me do the veggies and fruit but she cooked all the meats and such." Bilno stated
"I did not even notice her leave. Please give her my thanks for the feast."
"Certainly. We hobbits pride ourselves on being exceptional hosts."

"When was the last time you saw the wizard?" Dwalin questioned as he slowly moved towards the table, the delicious smells reeling him in.

"Aside from this morning?" Bilbo questioned, and Dwalin nodded as he took a seat while snagging a mug of ale. "20 years ago when he came with the ranger's towards the end of the Fell Winter."

Dwalin chocked on the ale and set the mug back down as he stared at Bilbo in shock. Bilbo raised an eyebrow as to inquire about the dwarf's health, but Dwalin just kept staring.

"So this was just sprung on you?" Dwalin asked.

"Yes, but I'm not that surprised." Bilbo sighed as he checked the pies he had in the oven that would be served as part of dessert. "My mother warned me that Gandalf has a habit of appearing the day before someone starts an adventure. That is, I'm assuming you and the other names on the list were the adventure he was talking about?"

"You have a list?" Dwalin held out his hand, and Bilbo forked it over, watching the warrior's expression darken as he read the names. "That wizard has some explaining to do."

I'm sure he will."
Bilbo left Dwalin to the food with a smirk. Some children had found the list while following Gandalf to his door and gave it to Amara in trade for some of her famous cherry tarts. Bilbo saw Amara back at the oven baking away. Bilbo knew they needed to empty the pantry over the next few days so that they could prepare for the adventure. There was another knock at the door and Bilbo went to get it so as not to disturb Amara.

Balin, at your service." Balin bowed his head as he held open his arms as if he was expecting a hug.

"Bilbo Baggins at yours." Bilbo bowed the same way he had to Dwalin. "Good evening."

"Yes, yes it is, isn't it?" Balin replied as he glanced at the sky. "Though I think it might rain later."

"Probably right before dawn." Bilbo agreed. "Please follow me, I have supper waiting in the backyard."

"Oh, that's delightful." Balin smiled as he followed Bilbo, and stopped short with his jaw dropped once he caught sight of the dinner tables loaded with food. "Oh my."

"Is it too much?" Bilbo asked, suddenly worried that they would have too many leftovers.

"Not at all." Balin replied, and caught sight of Dwalin. "Oh, ha, ha, ha! Evening brother!"

"By my beard, you're shorter and wider than last we met." Dwalin teased.

"Wider, not shorter." Balin corrected. "And sharp enough for the both of us."

Both chuckled as they placed their hands on the other's shoulders before they bashed their foreheads together. Bilbo winced at the sound, remembering it was how family greeted each other after not seeing each other for a week or two, and the first time that Bofur had done that to him. Nearly had a concussion if it hadn't been for Óin.

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