Gas station food

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Dally's POV:

Johnny and Ponyboy finally come back to the room after what feels like forever. My right leg is shaking out of control. I look like an idiot.

"So?" I raise an eyebrow.

Johnny nods his head "yes" at me and sits down on the couch next to me. Ponyboy sits on the chair to the side of the couch and takes out a book. He sneaks a glare at me when Johnny's not looking. I give him a look that says "what?" and he goes back to his book. Johnny smiles at me and leans on me, forcing me to still my leg. He makes me feel a bit more relaxed. Darry walks into the kitchen and starts making breakfast. Johnny sits up as Sodapop walks into the living room.

"Hey, guys." Soda says and walks towards the kitchen to see if there's food yet. Steve and Two-bit walk into the house, and the usual chaos begins. Mickey Mouse is turned on, there's wrestling, jokes are told, and Darry is pestered. Like I said, the usual. Even Johnny's acting normal. It's just me who feels today is different.

"You alright, Dal?" Two-Bit inquires.

"Yeah, fine. Why ya asking?" I reply

"I dunno you just"

"Well I said I'm fine, so shut up."

"Okay! Relax-" Two starts to back off

"Don't tell me to fucking relax!" I snap.

"I need a smoke," I mutter as I walk outside, letting the door slam.

"How come it's okay when he slams it? Come on, Darry!" I hear Pony complain in the distance.

I sit on the bottom step of the porch and run my fingers through my hair. Why am I like this? I take a cigarette out and light it. Why do I have to be like this? I'm not supposed to be scared. I'm not supposed to like Johnny. I'm one big fucking mess. But I owe it to Johnny to tell them because I'm like this and I can't do shit about it. I finish up my cigarette and walk back inside. Everyone looks at me as I sit down at the table with them. They continue their conversation. I sit next to Johnny and he smiles at me. Fuck, I really have to do this.

Steve's POV:

Dallas walks into the room, his swagger bigger than ever, but slightly shaky. Everyone tries their best not to look at him. The thing with Dallas is he can somehow look like he's the most confident guy ever and at the same time look like he's on the verge of falling apart into a million pieces. He seems to have mostly pulled himself together since last night, but I'm probably the only one here who can tell how fragile he still is. He sits down between me and Johnny. He looks at Johnny, then glances at me. His leg starts shaking and Johnny grabs his hand. Dally's leg slows a bit as he holds Johnny's hand. If anyone else did that to Dallas they would get the shit beaten out of them. The gang continues their conversation about how only fast food places are by gas stations and never fancy restaurants.

"I need to talk to you guys about something." Dallas says, suddenly.

All eyes are on him. He starts to stand up, but kicks his chair instead, cursing under his breath. He abandons the idea of standing and shifts in his chair instead.

"So...the thing is...well, I don't like...fuck. What I'm trying to say is I like guys. And I like Johnny." He says.

"We're together." Johnny says.

No one speaks for a bit. I watch Sodapop carefully, but for once he's not openly wearing his feelings.

"Shit man, someone say something. Since when do you guys ever shut your traps?" Dallas finally breaks the silence.

"Well, at least Sylvia will finally stop coming by," Two-Bit says.

"I'm proud of you guys for telling us." Darry says and pays Dallas on the back.

"Just don't hurt Johnny." Ponyboy adds.

"C'mon Pony, have you seen them together?" Sodapop responds.

"I'd never fucking hurt him. No one ever will as long as I'm around." Dallas snaps.

Sodapop gives Ponyboy a "I told you so" look and Ponyboy glares back.

"Well, now that we have that settled," I finally chime in, "I still don't get why there are never fancy restaurants by gas stations. Wouldn't it be convenient because those people drive fancy cars?"

Dallas laughs and conversation resumes. Sodapop smiles at me and I smile back. I turn around to find Dallas smiling at me, knowingly

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