Chapter 2: Ryuko Matoi

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Satsuki's breath was still, her index and middle finger gripped the handle of the teacup and she drank from it in a petite manner. She definitely needed it after what just happened with her putting on Junketsu. She placed the teacup down and Soroi came in with a teapot on a silver tray that glistened in the sunrise.

"Care for another cup of tea, Lady Satsuki? You do have the time"

"No, thank you, Soroi" Satsuki cracked her stiff knuckles and sat more comfortably in her chair, thinking on her future fight against Ryuko Matoi. Ryuko was brave enough to confront Satsuki about her recently deceased father, Isshin Matoi. Satsuki craved to teach Ryuko a lesson to those who defy her. She could practically taste the bittersweet and savoury flavour of Ryuko's defeat. As obvious the outcome of the fight was in her mind, Satsuki still knew that she needed to be careful.

"You haven't taken your mind off of this 'Matoi' girl, have you?"

Junketsu's deep voice snapped Satsuki out of her thoughts and her thick brows furrowed. Her grey-blue eyes looking down at the orange-red eyes of her Kamui.

"So you really CAN talk. I thought it was all the shock that made my sanity loosen."

"And here I thought that your will was absolute..."

Satsuki's eyes narrowed at the sudden snarky remark.

"How dare you mock me! A Kamui is nothing but a piece of clothing! You should be ashamed of your disgusting attitude!"

Junketsu's eyes moved up to look at Satsuki, his expression blank.

"Now if I'm a piece of clothing, how come you're saying that I have an attitude?"

Satsuki's face turned red with anger as her pearly white rows of teeth started to grind against each other.

"You try to get smart with me again and I will shred you to bits!"

Soroi just grabbed the teapot and poured more tea for Satsuki, pretending to be oblivious to the somewhat comedic situation between Satsuki and Junketsu. He placed the teapot back onto the tray and left the scene, leaving Satsuki to squabble like a child with Junketsu.

"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry. Geez. It's not my fault that I've been isolated for all this time. Look, if we want to help each other, we need to treat each other fairly, as much as you wouldn't like it."

Junketsu's words struck Satsuki a little bit. She regained her composure and sat back down onto the chair in a calm manner.

"Fine. I'll hear you out. But I'm the one in charge."

"I can see that. You're the one wearing me. Look, I can't help you if you leave me in the dark. Who is this 'Matoi' girl?"

Satsuki looked out of the window for a second before turning back.

"An exchange student at Honnouji Academy. She's been wanting to confront me about who killed her father and she will stop at nothing to get her answers."

"Why not give them to her? She sounds pretty distraught." Junketsu looked out of the window.

"It's not that simple. Nobody points a weapon to my face and demands answers from me without punishment. Matoi will be made an example of later today."

Junketsu narrowed his eyes and sighed. Satsuki felt the air touch her smooth skin. It was as if... Junketsu really DID sigh! How?!

"You always were one to do thing the hard way, Satsuki."

"Why do you speak in such a manner? You act as if you remember me."

"That's because I do. Don't YOU remember?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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