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We walk though the hallways.

He stops at a surtain door and puts in the key. This is a different floor then mine.

He guides me inside and explains where I sleep. I sleep on the top bunk.

"Hey do you want to wear my clothes to sleep in. " I'm too tired a resist so I just nod.

He throws some big ass clothes. I thank him and walk to the bathroom.

I look into the mirror. Oh gosh...

My hair is a bit messy and infront of my face.  The shirt I'm wearing is way too big and falls over my thighs. The pants I'm wearing almost fall down that's how big they are.

I walk out of the bathroom. "They are kind of big I'm not going to lie heh."

Minho looks at me.

Minho POV 3 hours later

I open my dry eyes because of the sound of cries. I step out of bed. I turn around slowly too see Jisung asleep,crying.

I climb into his bed and lay besides him.

"Are you oka-" He turns around cuddling me. He nuzzles his nose on my arm. I cant helo but smile a little at the pretty boy. I lay on my side and wrap my arms around his body. I shush him and rub his back till he stops crying.

I give him a forehead kiss before falling asleep myself as well.

Hahahah 👃👁👃

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