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We take place at a table since the sitting places are opened 24/7.

I open my cookie and start nibbling on it. Minho looks into my eyes and smiles.

"Thanks for the food." Minho paid for me by the way.

Hes truly a very nice guy. He has soft,silky, brown bangs hanging softly across his forehead. He has wide chocolate eyes with pretty lashes. He has soft pink lips that are full and very attractive.

After realizing I'm staring I look back at the cookie. "Hey are you okay, you look sad?" I nod and shrug "Well I'm not d-doing great but i-ill s-survive. " I give him a little smile.

It's kind of awkward between us right now. After a moment of silence I yawn and rub my eyes.

Minho notices "Hey are you tired. You can sleep in my room I'm kind of tired too?"

I shake my head softly "No it's okay I'll just stay awake a little bit longer I'll but a coffee or something." I yawn again this ti.e stretching out my arms a bit. Phew that felt good.

"No it's no problem. I'm always lonely anyways hehe. I dont have a roommate so it gets very lonely very fast."

I pout and nod my head "Sure I'll stay over." I dont want to because lately I've been having nightmares alot. I'm lucky Felix is a deep sleeper otherwise he wouldve been awake all night because of me.

This chapter is pure shit🤠

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