Robin: Roger that.

You and the rest of the team head to the factory by traveling through the jungle. You all remained quiet and tried to stay together. As you walk through the jungle Superboy heard something.

Superboy: Did you hear that?

You, Kid Flash, and Miss Martian look at Superboy.

Kid Flash: Uh, no. Wait, is this a super hearing thing?

Miss Martian: You do have great ears.

Kid Flash: Okay, Rob, now what?

You see Robin isn't where you are.

Bionic: How does he do that?

Kid Flash: Man, I hate when he does that.

Aqualad: 'on comms' Bionic, do a scan of the area. See if you're being tracked.

Bionic: Kiara, check the area and see what's going on.

Kiara scans the area and tells you all what's happening.

Kiara: There appears to be two squads of armed men heading towards each other.

Bionic: We're clear. But-

Gunshots are heard from where you, and the others stand. So you all hide.

Kid Flash: No super hearing required now.

Aqualad: Swing by, steer clear.

Kid Flash: Yeah, yeah as soon as I find Rob.

Bionic: Kid Flash, wait!

Kid Flash super speeds through the jungle, then he slips and falls down a slippery hill. As he is sliding down the hill, the men firing guns heard him and Kid Flash was in the middle of the firing line. Then, Bane saw him.

Kid Flash: So much for the stealthy.

Bane and his men started shooting at Kid Flash but, Kid Flash dodged the bullets and headed for the trees. Superboy, tackles Bane but Bane got Superboy on the ground. Then, you punched Bane into a tree. While his men were firing at Kid Flash, Robin took down two of them.

Robin: What is wrong with you guys? What happened to covert? Why didn't you follow my lead? Vanish into the jungle.

Kid Flash: 'punches a Kobra follower the backflip kick him' That's what you were doing? Way to fill us in. We're not mind readers, you know.

Kid Flash looks at Miss Martian using her telekinesis to take down three Kobra followers.

Kid Flash: Well, I'm not anyway.

Miss Martian: You told me I can only read the bad guys minds.

There was one last cobra follower running away. But, Aqualad took him down and smashed the communicator with his foot. You all regrouped and tied up both squads on trees. Then, Robin recognized one of the squads.

Robin: I recognized those uniforms. They belong to the Cult of the Kobra.

Aqualad: I am certain Batman would have mentioned if he knew a dangerous extremist was running Santa Prisca's Venom operation.

Robin: Agreed. And since there's clearly no love lost between the cultists and those goons. I'm betting Kobra came in and tossed them out. That's why supply lines were cut off.

Kid Flash: We get it. Kobra wanted super cultists. Mystery solved, radio Bats and we'll be on time for-

Robin: These cultists aren't on Venom. Kobra's hording this stuff. We don't leave. Not until I know why.

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