Knowing the Characters(PossibleSpoilers)

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(CAUTION: If you don't want any spoilers, please skip this page! ^^" I'm sorry about that.)
(A/N: The reason I made this page was: in case you get lost or confused in the future chapters. This serves as a little bit of a guide, or if you just want to know the characters a bit more. ♥︎)
Introducing the main characters:

・Lucas Arthur Williams・
Nickname: Luke
The youngest of the group. He is He is Titus' little brother, and the youngest of the males in his family. He is very much the opposite of his enthusiastic big brother, or so he says. He is often seen worrying about his brother's actions. His brother being the heir to the throne caused him to be a bit distant from Titus. Due to his dream to be the future king of Aria, their kingdom. He isn't at all that bad, he can be very kind if only his ego against his shattered dreams wasn't overpowering. His hobbies would be sword fighting and trying to avoid "humiliation and death unleashed by the stupid actions they have done". He is very able to defend himself from harm. He is usually seen reading a book that would be a necessity for all royals once they become ruler. Though at times he may spew anger towards his brother, it's mostly because he cares for him and his kingdom. Like Will, Luke is also drawn to kittens. Luke also has a pet hawk named Buford, which he cares a lot for. He and his brother are very aware of magic surrounding the school and students, hidden from the eyes of many, since their ancestors also had encounters with magic, so they're quite not surprised.
Appearance: He has a mixture of dirty blonde and slightly brunette-ish hair. He has dark gray eyes. Height is 5'7.

・Will "Zoran" Grayson・
Nickname: Will
The genius of the group... And the entire school. Often seen in the student council as the Vice Pres. He is also most mature among the group. A well-known student. Kind and observant. Often times a gentleman. He is one of the heartthrobs in Blue Rose Academy. Mostly due to his physical image, charisma, and his great intelligence. He is often times seen in the library or wandering around campus with the others. His hobbies would be inventing, programming and sometimes... Playing with cats. And yes, that's a hobby for him. He is the eldest of two brothers and middle sibling due to his older sister. His favorite subject would be Physics, Economics, and more. He isn't picky about any of the subjects or lessons you throw at him. Let's just say that... He likes a good challenge. He isn't too bad with physical education as well. Zoran was a past/present title given to him by his fellow classmates, due to the incident that occurred on campus when he first had entered the school.
Appearance: He has the image of emerald sea green eyes and jet black hair. A tiny dimple on his right cheek. He is rarely seen without his glasses. Height is 6'5.

・Alexandra Franzel Davis・
Nickname: Alex
Never. EVER. Call. her. Alexandra. Unless you want your head rolling down the streets. The so-called new girl of Blue Rose and the entire town. She is one of those who aren't royalty but are lucky and deserving enough to enter the academy. She is rebellious against her mother's overly feminine ways. Often complaining to Jessica about the other school boys flirting with her. She has a low amount of patience. Her bravery and boldness is very outstanding. She would often enter school with a dress and exit the girls' restroom with a different outfit afterwards. Though she may look gentle, her personality speaks the opposite. She can be tough and hot tempered at times.
Appearance: Her eyes are hazel brown and matches her slightly curly, dark brunette hair. Height is 5'6.

・Orion Carter Titus Williams・
Nickname: Titus
He is often called as the sweet-hearted idiot of the group. He can be mature barely most times due to the fact that he is trying to destroy his image in order for him to avoid his part of becoming the king. But at times, he really can be an idiot. Often the loyal type. He has a heart of gold and a very high amount of patience. He is often times seen either lending his books to Will or touring Alex around campus. His kindness, charms and optimism is often what makes girls fall head over heels for. His dream wasn't about becoming a ruler. He wanted to explore the world, or perhaps be one of the knights in the kingdom of Aria. Though, being the eldest, he was forced upon the responsibilities of being king. His hobbies would be exploring, dueling with swords, and playing the violin. Though he may look naive, he can be very intellectual. His favorite subject would be Biology and History... But he's also good with Medicine and Health.
Appearance: He has slightly reddish brownish blonde hair and medium toned gray eyes. A tiny faded scar is found on his left cheek in the area almost beneath his eye. He is often times seen(By the group) bringing a pet, most preferably a guinea pig, inside his backpack. Height is 6'2.

・Jessica Ellen Frost・
Nickname: Jessica/Jess/Jay (It depends on who's talking to her)
The female "jock" of the group. Often times seen in the Student Council room, since she was nominated as the president. She is clever and easily gets herself out of trouble through her wits. She is also the daughter of the chairman of Blue Rose Academy. Her usual frienemy would be Will. Both were rumored to have dated back then, but when the topic is brought before them, silence or a pair of "Right... Like that would ever happen." would often answer. Though she may be mischievous and ignorant, she can be very protective when it comes to her friends. She is often times seen hanging out with Alex and goofing around with Titus. Her favorite subject, if you ask her, would be Recess. But what she really desires would be Physical Education. Her worst nightmare would be subjects leading to Math and History. She loves to take risks and sometimes eat up more than she could chew. In which, Either Will, Luke or Alex would know how to fix.
Appearance: Her eyes are dark brown orbs, and to match, her hair is a splendid tone of dark earthy brown. Her straight hair is often braided with side swept bangs. Height is 5'4.

--updates and new characters soon--

-------Author's note-------
The struggle of trying to remember what I wrote is painful. Godammit!
Why wattpad why?!
I swear I saved.
-sobs in a corner-

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