Start from the beginning

Tory looked at her excitedly.

"So?... did something happen?!" She asked her following the short girl to the sofa.

Maeve immediately blushed, smiling at the memories from yesterday.

"Yeah. I went all in and kissed him." She told her.

Tory laughed.

"Oh my god! So you're together now?" She asked.

That was the question Maeve asked herself the whole night.

She frowned. "I don't know. I mean, I think so? We definitely kissed a lot, but he didn't say anything." Maeve explained.

Right at that moment Maeve got a notification that someone tagged her in a photo.

She was was confused for a moment, but couldn't help but grin when she saw that it was a post from Miguel.

It was a picture of herself on the swing carousel from Valley fest, smiling brightly.

Maeve couldn't even remember him taking it.

In the caption it said 'Oh Darling, Darling, Stand by me' which was the song from her favorite movie 'Stand By Me' with two gun stickers.

Maeve giggled at it and commented laugh emojis and also two gun stickers.

"Looks pretty official to me." Tory told her smiling.

"Now come on, get dressed. We have to go shopping for tonight and tomorrow."

With that Tory grabbed her arm and pushed her in the direction of her room.

"What do you think about this one?" Aisha asked her short friend holding a pink dress.

But before Maeve could answer, Tory took the dress and hung it up again.

"No, you don't want to just look pretty. You want to look hot." She told them, before grabbing a black dress, smirking at them.

After a while of messing around, they all got their outfits together and were ready to go to Aisha's place to get ready to go to the club.

Maeve was wearing a black dress that fitted her perfectly and luckily she didn't look overdressed.

She was also wearing more make up then she usually would, the dark eyeshadow and red lipstick made her blue eyes pop.

To her it felt nice to just talk and laugh about anything and everything without any drama happening.

So once they were done they began to walk to the club where Maeve and Tory first met.

Moon was already waiting for them at the entrance.

"Hey, you guys look so good."

Maeve smiled at her. "You look great too."

It was definitely fuller than the last time Maeve was there, but that didn't stop the four girls from storming onto the dance floor.

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