Chapter 6: You Slept With- Tom...

Start from the beginning

"Emma watson, Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

Emma blushed as she went up to Tom gave him passionate kiss. Tom liked the kiss as he kissed her back with full passion. They parted as they both giggled.

"I take that as a Yes then..." He smirked.

Emma laughed while cupping his cheeks "Come on, lets have some breakfast shall we? before you go home. You can't just leave Willow alone on the house, you know?" She said in a sad expression.

Tom almost forgot about Willow. He immediately nodded and kissed her on the lips softy. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Wils," He giggled. As they both went to have a lovely breakfast together...

Soon they both finished their lovely breakfast. And it was time to go. Emma gave his black lined jacket as he smiled and took it on her hands and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Tell Willow, to say Hi for me." She giggled as she held into his warmed hands.

Tom smiled. As he titled her chin to face him. "You got my word Char, I'll make sure of it" He laughed softly as he gave Emma a sweet goodbye kiss and opened the door.

Tom went inside the Elevator and blow a kiss towards her. Emma blushed as she blow back her kiss towards him as the elevator automatically closed itself.

She Shut the door behind as she went stand behind the door. She couldn't believe it

She make true love to Tom and he was finally confessed his true feelings, right before her eyes lastnight, she couldnt believe it! And Now Tom has finally asked her out! guess what... she said 'YES'.

She place her right hand on her chest and went to her bedroom and shut the door behind and starts squealing excitedly like a 12 year old girl.

It was best day of her life...

Tom finally exited his way out of her suite and immediately went back to his car and hopped in. He closed the door as he took deep breath within him and smiled to himself.

He couldn't believe it, he slept and made love to Emma, and now he ask her out to be his boyfriend and guest what, She said Yes. He couldn't believe it, Emma was now officially her girlfriend. time has flown so fast, that he finally fell in love with the girl, he'd worked with for a long time.

Tom compose himself as snapped himself out from his thoughts. He smiled and started the engine and drove his way back to his house.


It was 9:02 in the morning. And Emma was just relaxing herself while watching some television. when suddenly a message pop up from her phone.

She took her phone from her sofa as she immediately click the pop notification message.

"Its from Bonnie." She muttered to herself, as she read the message.

Bonnie: Emma, meet me in the cafe in 10 Am, I'll be waiting for you.

Emma was confused for sec. On why Bonnie wants to meet her. 'Was it urgent?' she asked to herself as she immediately punched the reply.

Emma: Sure Bon, I'll be there at 10.


An hour later. Emma finally arrived on the cafe as she looked around where Bonnie was at. She then noticed few of the people around the cafe were staring in a shock expression. They muttered her name quietly as they all went back to normal conversations. Well except for the kid who was dipping marsh mellows with his hot choco, beside her mom.

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