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Neha was munching on her pizza when she saw Zada walking into the cafe

Neha raised her hands and waved frantically earning Zada's attention


"Ada??" Zahir and Zian frowned

"There. My best friend. Her name is Zada. I call her Ada because I'm her bestie and I should call her something different"

"You should??"

Zada came to their table and took a seat next to Zahir

"Twins. This is my best friend Zada. And Ada...these are the infamous twins. Zahir and Zian. Remember our project??" Neha eyed zada not so discreetly

"Project?? What project??" Zian asked

"It's a secret Zi-zi"

"Zi-zi?? Now what's that??"

"Arre my special name for you. I always give special names to everyone. Everyone calls you Zian. You said you sister calls you Zi. Your brother too calls you that. But I like Zi. So I thought I would call you zi-zi. Aren't I smart?? Wo kya hei na... When momma was pregnant with me she used to eat 21 almonds every-day. Her momma, that is my nani... She used to make momma eat all those things like almonds, saffron in milk ,spinach, broccoli ,tomatoes. But I don't really like tomatoes. They are eeww.... "

"Okay. I don't have the energy for another discussion on tomatoes please" Zada called a halt to Neha's ranting

"Sweetheart!! I'm hurt" Zahir said clutching his heart dramatically earning an eyeroll from both his siblings

"Why?? What happened??" Neha asked with a frown

"You have special names for everyone but not for me??" Zahir asked with a pout

"Oh no!! I'm trying to figure out one. I haven't come up with one yet. Everyone, feel free to suggest a special name for Z1" Neha said

"Okay sweetheart. I waiting with bated breath" Zahir said and took some fries from Zada's plate

Zada swatted his hands away

"How many time have we told you not to steal from our plates" Zada whispered leaning towards him

"We are triplets. What is yours is mine too" Zahir whispered back grinning cheekily and stole another fry from her plate

Zada groaned

"When will you grow out of this triplet excuse. You have been using that ever since you learned to talk"

"And that happened way before you two learned to talk. I know you two still hold a grudge against me for that. But what is my fault in that. I'm born smart. You two had to work hard to keep up with me. That doesn't means you will treat me like this little sis. I'm hurt" Zahir said with a pout

"Chup. Dramebaaz.And how many times I have to tell you I'm not your little sister.I'm only ten minutes younger to you" Zada said and they both looked upto see Neha looking at them with narrowed eyes

"Neha.... "

Neha pointed a finger at Zahir

"You... "

"Look. We will explain okay. Relax" Zahir said trying to placate her

"What is there to explain. You were stealing fries from my bestie's plate. As a best friend I will fight you from Ada's corner. You will buy her another plate of fries" Neha said and Zahir and Zada breathed out in relief and Zian rolled his eyes

"All the best bro. I wonder how long she will take to figure out that you have feelings for her" Zahir mumbled audible only for Zian earning a glare in return

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