Shot 48

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It was the long weekend coming and Neha invited the whole lot to accompany her to her hometown, Mandoli..

It was just a one hour drive from their university and Zian came up with the plan of renting a seven seater car, so that they could all go together and comfortably.

"Why don't we buy a new car? Why do we have to rent one?" Zahir asked, as he lounged in the cafeteria with the rest of the gang. Amar was missing, much to Zada's disappointment.

"Zahir, you wouldn't be seen driving anything other than sports bikes or cars. Else you would be seen going on a four wheel off road. Then why should we buy a seven seater for a one time use?" Zian asked, glaring at his brother.

"Come on, brother. We are one of the richest families in India. Renting a car seems so..." Zahir trailed off as he made a face at Zian's suggestion.

"What a snob!" Kushi muttered, loud enough for Zahir to hear.

Zahir shot Kushi a mock offended look.

"A snob? Me? I will have you know that I am just particular about my mode of transportation. After all, an Oberoi prince has certain standards to maintain." Zahir said, adopting a regal look on his face.

"Oh, please, Your Highness. I am sure the peasants would be honoured to see you riding in a humble rented car for once." Kushi said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Well, you do have a point there. But imagine the shock on their faces when they see me behind the wheel of a family minivan. The horror!" Zahir chuckled, leaning back in his chair.

"Honestly, Zahir, it's just a weekend trip. No one's going to judge you for slumming it in a rented car."  Zada said.

She was already annoyed and disappointed with Amar's ignorance. Zahir's attitude was only managing to piss her off more.

"Yeah, Zahir, this could be your chance to experience life as a commoner. Who knows, you might actually enjoy it." Zian said sarcastically.
Zahir feigned a gasp of indignation.

"Me? Enjoying life as a commoner? That's preposterous! But fine, fine, if it will make you all happy, I will endure the hardship of a rented car for the sake of our little road trip."

"Such a sacrifice," Kushi quipped sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"I can't wait. It is going to be awesome. My first road trip with friends ever. I have been wanting to go on a road trip with friends ever since I watched the old movie Road Trip a few years ago. It was awesome and fun. Not that I want any of you to cheat on their girlfriend like Josh did. If any one of you cheated on your girlfriend, I wouldn't remain friends with them. I will break off the friendship and get buddy buddy with the girl you cheated on. Then I can go on a road trip with her. Just the girls. I will learn how to ride a motorcycle and we will go on a trip on the motorcycle. Just the two of us. Zi - Zi, you will teach me how to ride Cheru, right? And you should lend me Cheru too. I am not rich enough to buy a new motorcycle. I can always convince Papa to get me one, but my momma- I mean evil step momma won't let him. If it were Pihu asking, she would-"

"Neha, for heaven sake." Zada pleaded with her best friend to stop with her nonsense blabbering.

Neha pouted and Zian found it so adorable. He couldn't help it and pulled her cheeks fondly.

Vansh cleared his throat when he saw that and Zian pulled his hand away and rolled his eyes.
He remembered the conversation he had with Vansh a few days ago. Vansh had questioned him regarding his intentions and Zian had openly confessed that he is in love with Neha and that he wishes to marry her in the future. Vansh had warned Zian not to have any funny business with Neha and Zian had agreed gladly.

"So, it's fixed then. I will book a car today. We can start by seven in the morning and can reach Neha's house in time for breakfast." Zian said and everyone nodded.

"What about Amar? Isn't he joining us?" Zada asked anxiously. Her brothers frowned at her.

"Why are you always asking about Amar?" Zahir asked suspiciously.

"I am not. I was just asking because he is always with you guys. He is your best friend, isn't he?" Zada snapped back.

"But you never liked him." Zahir pointed out.

"How can I dislike someone I don't even know. I just never liked him calling Zi as Zi. That's it." Zada said in an annoyed tone.

Before Zahir could say something, Kushi interrupted, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Well, well, well, isn't this just heartwarming and thrilling to watch His Highness, Zahir Singh Oberoi reigning over his pupil and poking his nose in their every business?" She did a dramatic enactment of being thrilled and enthusiastic.

Zahir's eyes flashed with irritation as he shot back, "Oh, I see you have already started rehearsing your lines for the trip, Kushi. I must say, your acting skills have improved."

Kushi tilted her head, a sardonic smile playing on her lips.

"Why, thank you, bad boy. I have always believed in being prepared for any snobbish nonsense that might come my way."

Zian, ever the peacemaker, attempted to diffuse the tension.

"Come on, you two. Let's keep the snarky comments to a minimum, shall we? We are supposed to be enjoying the weekend together."
Zada chimed in, her annoyance apparent.
"Zian's right. Let's just focus on having a good time. And Kushi, don't you have anything better to do than provoke Zahir?"

Kushi shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh, I am just here for entertainment, Zada. You know how much I enjoy watching the drama unfold."

As they continued their tit-for-tat exchange, Neha intervened with a laugh. "Alright, alright, let's all take a chill pill. We are going to have fun, remember?"

Zahir sighed, realising that his ongoing banter with Kushi was starting to ruin the mood.

"Fine, fine, I will try to keep my snobbish tendencies in check for the duration of this trip. But only for the sake of not spoiling everyone else's good time."

Kushi raised an eyebrow in mock surprise.

"Well, isn't that a breakthrough? Mr bad boy actually admitting to having 'snobbish tendencies.' I might need to lay down for this."
Zian rolled his eyes.

"Enough, both of you. Let's just get this car booked and focus on enjoying the weekend together."


Here goes the next shot...

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