After she was done, she walked out of the simulator feeling a bit tired and her muscles began to sore. She really did pushed to her limits. "Think fast," Harley said as he threw a water bottle at her.

Even though she was in so much pain, she managed to catch the bottle and then thanked him. Gusion then ordered for the mage, tank and support to go in next. The three of them dashed in before he could order them to. "Well they seem excited," Hanabi said as she took a seat on a chair. Gusion just chuckled as he started the simulator.

Hanabi eventually got bored and walked out of the room and straight to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and took the leftover fruit salad from last night's dinner. She sat down and enjoyed her leftovers. After finishing her food, she went straight to her room and change into some casual clothes. 'Maybe I should go out for a walk,' she thought as she walked out with her headphones on.

She walked though the streets enjoying some alone time as she listen to some 'Bang Bang'. Just as she was having a great time, a nosy marksman and assassin had to join in.

"Looks like the spider is roaming around without her scorpion," said Fanny with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, yeah, what do you idiots want?" she playfully asked.

Miya pointed to the giant screen in the middle of the bustling city to see them singing 'MORE', during her first date with Gusion. "No way," Hanabi murmured as she was surprised.

"Yeah way, we're famous," Miya excitedly said, "we're the talk of the entire Land of Dawn, Hana. And so many love your rapping instead of our singing," as Fanny showed the comment section.

"Plus, Selena was so impress, she decided to put her attacks on hold for a while," Fanny added.

"What does that means?" Hanabi asked.

"It means, you also saved us from a war happening," Miya explained.

As the three were happily chatting away, they were stopped by the marksman, assassin and tank of S.A.B.E.R. squad. "Halt enemy," Saber stopped them, "you're under arrest".

"For what officer, I have done nothing wrong," Hanabi said innocently at him with a sly smirk.

"For all the crimes you did on this squad. Time for you to pay the fine," Layla said, with her weapon aimed at her.

Miya was about to interrupt her, but Hanabi stopped her, "No Miya, this is my fight". She pulled her hair down and transform into her uniform, with her headphones still on.

"Don't you dare run Hanabi, you're surrounded," said Layla as Rafaela and Cyclops appeared behind the three ladies.

Hanabi just smiled at them as she played some music on her headphone and leaped to the top of the buildings and ran. "After her," Saber ordered Rafaela and Cyclops to chase at the top. Both of them obeyed and chased after her.

Hanabi kept running and leaped from building to building until she reached the gorgeous stream of Zlatan, as she imagine as she was at a beach. She looked back for a moment and watched the mage and support catching up to her. "This is my fight song," she whispered to herself and continued running, as her movement were in sync with the rhythm of the song.

She pressed a button her headphone, which was like a communication signal. Back at the V.E.N.O.M.s' base, Harley suddenly received a signal from an unknown transmitter. "Strange no one knows of our base," he muttered as he tried to locate the whereabouts of the signal.

"Here's your ice water Harley, what are you doing," the angelic android, excitedly asked him as she brought him his drink.

"Got a signal from someone, but I don't know who. Trying to triangulate the signal, so I could find out who was calling us," he said as he began typing.

"So smart," Angela complement him with a sweet smile. Then their leader walked in with their tank.

"What's going on you two?" Gusion asked as he was curious.

"Someone is trying to contact us, but I don't who. It's an unknown caller and whoever this person is, he's on the move; should I answer it captain?" Harley asked his superior.

"Answer it, I have a feeling it's gonna be good," he replied as Harley accept the video call.

On the screen showed Hanabi running on the rooftops while listening to some music. "Nephilia? What the hell is she doing?" Gusion began to wonder as Harley moved the camera so they all could see what she was running from.

"Is that Rafaela and Cyclops?" Angela asked she was worried that her eyes were playing tricks on her.

"Yup, they are chasing her," Harley said he tried his best to turn Hanabi speaker on. "Gah! How is it not possible, I can hack anything!" he yelled in frustration as he could not hack the marksman's speaker.

"But the song is a nice choice," Grock said as he was enjoying Hanabi's music choice.

"Should we help her captain?" Angela worriedly asked to her captian.

"No, I want to see how this ends; plus it's good entertainment," he replied with a mischievous smirk on his face.

He was not lying that it was fun to watch the S.A.B.E.R. squad failing to catch a person who just ran on foot, but he was interested to see how far his marksman evolved. 'Grock's right, this music suits her,' he thought as Hanabi was surrounded by the enemy.

The song was at the last chorus and Hanabi just leaped high in the air and threw her ultimate at the assassin, "Higanbana!"

She chanted as she threw her soul scroll at them so to weaken them and threw multiple petal barrages. As the song was finished, all the S.A.B.E.R. squad members kneeled onto the ground in exhaustion. Their energy was depleted when they were chasing her and their muscles were extremely sore when she launched her attack.

"Smart," Harley complemented with a wicked smirk on his face.

"How so Harley?" Angela asked.

"She let them drained their energy to chase her and she attack them when they were catching their breathe," Harley explain, "very smart, Nephilia".

'That's my girl,' Gusion thought as he was impressed of her intelligence. "For a police force, you are certainly weak," Hanabi said as she walked away.

"Why not end us now?!" Rafaela yelled in anger as she was frustrated.

She stopped in her tracks as she turned to looked at them, with a wicked smirk, "Because I made a deal and that would be bad for my image, won't it?"

She left them to suffer by their injuries, keeping her promise to her special someone.

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