Author note

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hello and welcome reader.

thank you for reading so far, I know my story isn't perfect or that grammatically correct, but I did my best and I'm still intent on doing my utmost, so thank you for reading it with it's many imperfections.

as the author, well, a first time Author may I add, I came to learn many things since I first started this story, writing is really deeper than what it looks even more so when writing plots and stories and like full worlds, slowly what I started lightheartedly has become a time I enjoy and find myself lost into it.

and precisely because I grew so fond of writing and started growing in it, hopefully if even a little bit, revisiting my earlier chaps and going back to reread them has become ..painful...well it's embarrassing to say but reading them might make me cry from how much they...suck

well the story itself is my pride and joy and I admit to being overly doting of my rating to this work don't misunderstand, BUT, that and writing it in a good look and grammar is different.

I thought a lot and finally decided to put my first story [ Fay and knight] on hold for a while.

I came to really love this story as the one who wrote it and also as someone who enjoys reading, even if it's slightly weird for an author to feel like a reader when reading their own work but who cares details, details~

and so as my own reader, I wish for this story to be as great quality as any story I enjoy reading, and as the author, I also want to give it the best quality I can manage I want to aim high and say I want the best most quality but I know I'm still far from being good enough.

I don't know how long I may take to get better but fixing my first chapters is something I'm intent on doing as soon I can, I know I am as slow as a snail when coming to updates, but I will do my best to fix these chaps (maybe also add some slight changes) and re-publish them in a shape I can be proud of.

thank you for reading so far and for being patent with my ramblings, lastly take care of your health and stay safe .


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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