Halloween Horrors Pt 2

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Hey Y'all, I'm so super sorry that it took me this long to update, school has been such a hassle! But I'm back at it, also this edit was made by @willexx on Tumblr!! I hope you enjoy!😊

Once everybody got outside, Eve sat both Julie and Luke down before going over to the photographer to see how he wanted them to pose.

"How long do you think it will take?" Luke asked, leaning into her but not taking his eyes off Eve and the guy with the camera.

"I have no clue. If it's anything like the movies then probably..." Julie thought about it. "Probably an hour? Maybe 2?" Luke nodded and slowly sat back up straight.

Eve walked back over to them. "Okay we are going to have you guys pose over by those blow up decorations." She pointed to a big glowing pumpkin and a couple blow up monsters.

They both nodded, not knowing what to say. "Have either of you modelled before?" She asked as they walked the short distance to the props for the shoot.

"No." They both said together. Eve tilted her head back a little. "Well you definitely should consider it." She said as she turned fully to face them.

"Luke, I want you to stand right here." She pointed to a spot in front of the pumpkins and a witch. He nodded and went to where she had gestured.

"Okay now Julie I want you to stand directly in front of him with your back pressed against his chest." Julie thanked whatever god was up there that her face was covered in white makeup because her cheeks would be a crimson red if not.

She did as told and stood, back pressed to him. "Luke now put out you arms just slightly and open your palms." He again did as told, bending his elbows and slightly moving his forearms as if he was going to hug her from behind.

When he opened his palms Eve smiled. "Good. Now Julie I want you to place your hands gently in his and Luke, when she does this just hold them."

Julie turned her head and placed both hands into his, he held them just as gently as he was told to.

"Perfect. Could both of you look at your entwined hands on the left?" They both did and when Julie saw it a soft smile made its way to her face.

The photographer came and took some pictures for all different angles before nodding his head.

"Guys that was amazing!" Eve said coming over again. "We will have you pose a few more times and then your free to go."

"We have some time, don't worry to much about it." Julie said going over to sip some water before having her lips touched up. "Here when you drink the water use a straw." She said handing Julie a packaged one.

Julie nodded and placed it beside her cup for the next time. She walked back over to where Luke was being instructed to stand.

"Julie, please come and stand beside Luke." She did as told and went to stand beside him. "Okay now Luke I want you to wrap your arm around her shoulder and pretend to whisper something into her ear. Julie I want you to pretend like he just told you something bad. Give me your best evil smile, but don't go to deep into it."

It was confusing directions to say the least but she tried her best. Luke slung his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him.

He tilted his head so his lips were not even an inch away from her ear. She could feel his hot breath on her skin.

"Your not to bad at this." He whispered into her ear. She smiled, then remembered she was suppose to be a villain and tried to turn the smile mischievous.

"Same goes for you." She mumbled back to him. The camera to took pictures and then the photographer moved to a different angel. "Is it just me or does he not remind you of a mean French baker?"

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