For crying out loud

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Present day

Harry woke up in an unfamiliar place. His head was throbbing and eyes burning. His neck felt like needles and shards of glass had slides down it. He felt like shit, but he guessed that it's his life from now on.

Harry looked around the room; it was very tidy and bright. He was wearing an unfamiliar t-shirt that was a bit tight around him, but luckily he still had his own pair of boxers on. He rubbed at his eyes and tried to not move. He was afraid to make any sound, what if he was kidnapped?

A small knock echoed through the room and Harry tensed; this is it. He is kidnapped and somebody will take advantage of him right now. Harry sunk deeper in the bed; under the soft covers and barely audibly whispered, "come in?"

"Hey, sleepyhead!" Harry looked up from under the blanket to be met with beautiful greyish eyes and fake blond hair, just like his Niall, but Niall wasn't his anymore.

The mysterious boy smiled at Harry and went over to him; he sat down on the chair next to the bed and put a glass of water and some pills on the night table next to the bed.

"I thought that you might need these." The boy smiled and Harry smiled back; he didn't know why, but he just smiled, maybe it was because he reminded him so much of Niall; and he just missed when Niall smiled at him.

"Thank you." Harry sat up and took the pill and the glass of water. Water felt nice against his hoarse throat, but the pill only scared it more; so he moaned in pain.

"Does your throat still hurt?" The boy asked innocently while looking at Harry with big eyes; he looked so young and vulnerable; Harry's heart started to hurt.

"Yeah. I am sorry, but I don't remember anything about yesterday." Harry felt like an complete idiot, but these days he just couldn't care anymore.

"Oh, right." The boy sighed sadly. "I am Adrian and I found you in the middle of the road wanting to die, but I didn't want somebody to die in the middle of the road, so I dragged you here. You passed out somewhere along the way. Vomited on your clothes and in my car and then on my living room floor so I changed you and now you have woken up."

"Oh. I am Harry by the way." Harry said with reddening cheeks.

"I know. You told me that yesterday, and you kept calling me Niall all the time. Care to expend on that story more?" Adrian smiled and got up from his chair.

"It's a long story." Harry said sadly.

"Well, I got time. Get up, here are your clothes. I washed and dried them." Adrian handed Harry his clothes and Harry nodded a small thank you. "I would lend you some of my clothing, but it doesn't look like they really fit you. So dress up and try to find your way down to the kitchen."

Harry smiled shyly and got out of the bed when Adrian left. He was so thankful that somebody found him. He is also embarrassed; very embarrassed. But shit happens, right?

Last evening

Niall felt Louis prickly beard poking his cheeks and his lips. The kiss wasn't like he remembered it. Louis skin used to be soft and delicate. And his kisses usually were hungry and rushed, but now he didn't rush, he was taking his time.

Louis hands had wrapped around Niall's body and were pulling the delicate man closer to him. It was like Louis was short on oxygen and kissing Niall would actually change that.

Niall wanted to feel the things he remembered, but it all seemed so different, but it still was Louis even though he had changed, because frankly, Niall had changed as well.

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