Me An Alpha's Mate.....I don't believe it

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So this is my first story on here hope you like it

Aleah's POV

I groaned as I heard my alarm clock go off.Getting up I turn it off rubbing a hand through my hair.I wince as I stretch and feel the new scars open.My dad had been beating me since mh mother died. He wasnt really a bad guy just until he started blaming me for my mothers death.She died in a car accident when she wasn't paying attention to road from arguing with me. I was 13 when thathad happened and my dad had sdtarted to beat me at 15. He wasn't such a bad guy when he wasn't drinking but i never got to see that part of him since he was drunk most of the time or passed out on the couch.I know I'm stupid for staying with him but I'm all he's got anymore. I bandage my cuts and put on a black shirt with black skinny jeans wearing some black and white converse. Brushing my hair over my face I hated when people stared at me.I grab my gray hood and backpack. I go and check on my dad and grab a health bar and walk put to my old version of a mustang. First day of school hate it. I pull up to the school and walk in going up to meet up with my two friends. I see Mara beckoning me over. Me and Mara went back five years ago in middle school. She had red long hair and brown eyes and curves a girl would kill for. She a little shorter than average girl but still still caught every boys attention. Lucas on the other hand was gay but was hot in everyones point of view. With his short brown hair and light brown hair. With a great body. Walking over to them I smile." What's up." I say "Have you seen the new boy." Technically were all new Mara." I say " Whatever but I call dibs." she said smiling "I don't even know what he looks like." she pointed behind me I turn and my mouth falls open. He was smiling with two guys on either side of him.His dark eyes caught me first they were intense as they spotted me. My heart rate sky rocketed. His hair was colored a dark shade of black. And his body was just hot and I've seen a lot of hot guys but he was just wow.

Caleb's POV

My brother banged on my door."What." i say opening the door "Schools today." he said Mitchell was a few months younger than me he and only a couple of inches shorter than me. People said we looked alike with are dark hair and eyes. I would be an alpha in a matter of days and all the girls would be throwing themselves at me I smiled at the thought."Ill be down in  a sec." i say closing the door. I threw on a black shirt some brown shorts and some shoes. I go down stairs and tell my parents that i would be home later. Grabiing a peice of toast off the counter and tell my brother to come on. I grab my lether jacket and bag off the floor and hop in my car waiting up for my brother. Driving up to the school I see Vic another one of our pack members who went to this cool. "Whats up Vic." i say walking with him."The girls here are amazing,." he said smiling at one of them I laugh walkijg into the school. Then I stop as the scent hits me, my inner wolf told me that my mate was here and he was ready to be let out of his cage but i held back searching the hallls. I saw her she  had black long hair with golden eyes that were on me she had a gorgeous body. She stood with a red headed girl and a model looking boy on the other side. He must be her boyfriend. Jeaolsy spiked within me making my wolf growl with anger. "I've found her." i whisper low. They both looked where i was looking they knew what i meant.. I walk over to her Mitchell and Vic right behind me. She looked even more beutiful up close. I smile at her my wolf calmed a down a little from being so close to her but still stired from the male next to her. "Hello." I say to her

Aleah's POV

He just walked straight up to me and spoke but no words came out of mouth no matter how hard i trie to form them. His smile faltered as he see that i didn't answer. Mara butted in "Hey, im Mara and this is my friend Aleah and Lucas." she said pointing to them "Im Caleb and this is Mitchell and Vic." he said and sexy voice i almost melted "So you guys must be new around here because i think i would ahve remembered three hot looking guys like you." Mara said. I saw Vic smile at Mara "Yeah we just moved here from California." the guy named Mitchell said "That's cool." I say Caleb ponitized for second before shaking his head I smile. The rang at that moment and I hurried off before i made a fool of myself. Mara and Mitchell follow"What was that all about cupcakes." MItchell says"I don't know I just couldn't get my mouth to move." I say Mara bumps me and I wince and they both stare at me. They knew what my dad did." What they hell Aleah you told me he stooped." Mara yelled "It's just a bruise." we head to the office and pick up our shedules and books. We all had diffrent first periods. I walk in and see the techr has assigned seats i sit in teh back and see Caleb walks in and takes in and sits next to me.

Caleb's POV

She walked away from me."What the hell man." Vic says "I didn't want to scare her." I say "Come on man you can't just let her go like that." I won't." I say I leave them and go off to find her. Following her scent i find her in the back of a class. I sit next to her my wolf starts to howl to touch her giving up I touch her hand. My skins starts to vibrate at her touch with something unknown but it felt great so I pull her to me and kisss her. At first she is suprised then starts to melt into the kiss. I traced her lips with my tongue until she open her mouth. We play a little game of tag until she pulls away and walks out the class.

Aleah's POV

I walk away still flushed from our kiss. Pluggging in my earfhones i walk outside. Whatthe hell was i doing kissing him and i hardly knew him but he was a hell of a kisser. I loooked up when something shined on me it was a car's headlights. And I was right in the way. I was going to die by getting hit by a car and i never even made it past 18 I had a lot of things to more in life. Then out of know where I was pushed to the side walk with someone ontop of me



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