[C h a p t e r 7][][Panicked]

273 11 6

[im going to have some kissing in this as said in the description, but it's not that bad :)]

"Sir, we have an issue." Ash takes a seat, as she places her glasses upon her hat.

Her braided hair whips past from the wind of Dom sprinting into the room. "Marius is gone!" His voice is shaking and his breathing isn't stable. He pounds the table roughly.

The table shakes, Harry glares at him. "Calm yourself." His eyes widened. "We-" Bandit backs up and scrambles away.

Ash's POV
I shift in my seat. Poor Dom.. I give a worried look to the broken man. His eyes are widened, God I feel so bad for him.. He sprints out the door, as Harry sighs. "Sir.." He stares at me, nodding to let me leave. I stand up out of my chair and head to the infirmary to notify Doc on how Jäger is kidnapped.

Jäger POV
I glance up staring at the men that tied me up. "What should we do to the pipsqueak?" They stare at me. "Abuse him? Threaten him? Maybe have some fun..?" One gives out the ideas, as my eyes shake in fear of all of them. My hands are tied down to the ground as I lean against the rotten walls. "What do you want from me..?" I try to hag down the cold air and fear in my thoughts. Keep calm.. I remind myself.. "Oh nothing really, but we just need you for awhile." One of the terrorists snarling me.

Maybe getting rescued won't happen after all.

Bandit's POV.
I pull my gloves on as quickly as possible. "I don't care if I get in trouble for this, I'm not a kid so why does it matter?" I puff. I place my headgear upon my head and sigh, im doing this aren't I? I grab my motorcycle key, as they're stained black. Quickly, I go out of the dorm I remained in. I quickly but quietly snuck out.


I follow the trail of ripped up paper, surely this was Jäger. I had given him a note, must've did this then right?..

Jäger's POV
The man taps my nose. I wake up, startled. My gear remained on tight, seemed they haven't done anything yet.. But, then I notice a stained cold spot on my head, blood was dripping down my face through my gear. My eyes trail onto his. "What?" I try to sound fierce, but I don't strike anything in him. "Seems like we need some of your little plans." I tilt my head, my neck was aching. "What plans." I act stupid, trying to buy time. He kneels, leaning over my lap, I sweat. "You know what plans I'm talking about." He hisses, as I try to back up but the wall stops me.

A few gunshots go off, making the man who was on top of me stare to the side.

"You lucky pup." He turns to me, ignoring the shots. "Your lucky you get me, the other ones probably would die for some of you body." He pulls me closer, the cold air suddenly goes away. I freeze up, my eyes look down at him. He pulls the mask that covered my mouth and nose down. Adjusting himself on me, He moves the mask that covered himself. I gulp, closing my eyes.. He rests the warm hand on my face.

The soft lips of the strange man press on mine, I can't help but enjoy it. This is wrong, I don't know him..plus he's the one we've hated!.. He sways around, softly. He breaks it, unexpectedly. "Who knew you would enjoy it. Hmm, keep this a secret. Ill let you go, but meet me here everyday at 12:40." He pulls my mask up, "or else." I nod, finally opening my eyes seeing the masked man. He stands up, ripping off the ropes.

He escorts me out, without anyone noticing. He reminds me to come back here everyday. Of course I have to.. I nod as I see motorcycle lights blare on me and the masked man. He leaves, as Bandit sprints to me, "Marius! You alright..!?" His voice cracks with a worried tone."

"I...I'm fine.." I spit out, as he walks me to the motorcycle. Bandit notices the blood and quickly drives back. Doc may not be awake at the moment but he still drove fast. I hug Bandit, worried about myself and the others. My head hung, painfully as I sigh. The wind whipped at my face slightly.

He didn't ask about the man that walked away. Did he see him..?

»·>H i s ~ S m i l e<·« [Jäger X Bandit]Where stories live. Discover now