Chapter 4: To Not Be Forgotten

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Everything is a blur.

"Wei Wuxian!" A tender voice accompanied by a sharp pain pierces Wei Wuxian's skull. "Wei Wuxian!" There it is again.

"Ha, when will it stop? Just let me die in peace... again." Wei Wuxian thinks to himself. He feels someone shaking his shoulder.

"Wei Ying..." A familiar warmth radiates from the voice. Wei Wuxian struggles to open his eyes. He squints to make out an image from the blurry blobs flooding his vision.

"Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian attempts to sit upright upon recognizing the person before him.

Lan Zhan slowly aids Wei Wuxian to sit up straight... (which he's not). "Are you ok?"

Wei Wuxian realizes he is wearing Lan Zhan's inner robes. They are slightly baggy on him. Lan Zhan's scent is very prominent on the fabric.

"Yes I'm fi-" Wei Wuxian stops himself as he remembers Lan Zhan's past actions. He quickly avoids Lan Zhan's expressionless, but somewhat worried gaze. There is a moment of strained silence.

Slightly awkward, Lan Zhan attempts to speak up. "Are you mad?"

Wei Wuxian furrows his eyebrows, putting in more effort to avoid setting eyes on Lan Zhan's... annoyingly... handsome face.

Lan Zhan places a hand on Wei Wuxian's lap, sending a chill down Wei Wuxian's right leg. "Don't be stubborn. Tell me."

After some hesitation, Wei Wuxian finally bursts. "You're tired of me aren't you?" His voice sounds pained.

Lan Zhan, confused, convinced he has done nothing wrong, utters a reply. "Why would you say that?"

Wei Wuxian, in complete disbelief, stands up out of frustration. He trails off, leaving no room to breath in-between sentences. "You've been leaving so early in the mornings! Some people have even said they've seen you hanging out with another man! You're clearly tired of me." Wei Wuxian refills his lungs with oxygen by gasping loudly.

"You could've just told me you're tired of me. That you're tired of hanging on to me for 16 years. That you're tired of my new body. That you no longer love me!" Wei Wuxian's vision starts to blur. A lump forms in his throat. He suppresses the urge to cry.

"Do you have any idea how painful the idea is," Wei Wuxian states in a shaky voice. "To be ignored... or even forgotten by you?"

"Stupid," Lan Zhan mutters.

"What did you say-" Before Wei Wuxian could finish, Lan Zhan's lips connect with his. Lan Zhan's calloused hands are oddly tender, cupping Wei Wuxian's face.

Without realizing, a tear trickles down Wei Wuxian's cheek. As if all his frustrations just vanished...just like his heterosexuality.

It feels like the world around them became still. They bask in each other's presence. Tenderly. Lovingly. Embracing the very being of one another.

Lan Zhan pulls away from the kiss. Although, it was more like a prolonged peck as there was no lip movement. Under normal circumstances Wei Wuxian would be disappointed to say the least, but at this moment he could not bother to care for it.

Lan Zhan places his hands on Wei Wuxian's nape, causing Wei Wuxian to drop his forehead to Lan Zhan's forehead.

"You know I love you right?" Wei Wuxian tenderly utters.

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