Bruh this getting me mad

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Lmao so I am choosing which one and why is no one them neither like bitch I'd tase all of them

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Lmao so I am choosing which one and why is no one them neither like bitch I'd tase all of them

Lol I'm sorry y'all need help i don't want to do anything like that with them that's nasty lol.

Lmao I wish i could choose neither but i can't.

Lol idk why this is getting me mad but it is. Why do y'all think of this shit like I'd want to play Uncharted with them not for them to fuck me. Lol I'd call the fbi on them lol.

How I feel rn

Bruh what is wrong with y'all ARMY y'all need help.

I also saw something about like a knife play and why do y'all think getting stabbed is hot. Like the person is literally tryna murder u and y'all are like so hot. Like why.

Ok ik that the person probably isn't tryna kill u but I'd call 911 and leave my man cause i would think he wants to kill me cause no one pulls out a knife unless they want to kill u.

Lol i overreact about everything but u pull a knife out on me I'm getting a restraining order lol. Lol i think some of y'all are psychopaths lol.

Lol how I feel rn

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