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When we die, it's not the things we did that we regret the most.
It's the things we we didn't do.
If you are fourteen, fifteen, seventeen, remember a time when how old are you now seemed so far away?
You don't have anymore time to waste. No one remembers the nights they got plenty of sleep.
Go out and do smething fun. Tonight! Don't wait for the perfect moment because it will never come.
You will just continue to get older and look back wishing you had participated in more things in school, wishing you had talked to that cute boy or girl, wishing you had told your parents that you loved them more.
At the end of the day, it is not about which school you went to, which car you drove, how many followers you had, or any of that.
It is about the memories you made and the love you had for the people you made them with.
This isn't just another motivational text, this is a chance for you right now to make a true lasting impact in your life. To live a better life.
Go out and have fun, chase yur dreams, make memories, and most importantly, spend time with those you love.

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