Murdur Party Part 1

Start from the beginning

Eric then left Stan's house.

"It's probably for the best that he left, Stan. After all, you don't want to hear your parents complain about him clogging the toilet." Lizzy said.

The five children then began to laugh.

Tweek wiped a happy tear away from his left eye.
He then felt his phone vibrate and saw that he got a text from Token.

Why was Token texting him? They weren't friends, not since when he was in Craig's gang and Token along with Clyde and Craig would throw empty Soda cans at his head.

Another text came in and Tweek read what it said:Give me half of your inharitance or I'll send this Pic to everyone in school.

Tweek's eyes went wide as he saw the picture Token had sent him.


"Are you ok, Tweek?" Kyle asked.

"Oh yeah, everything is fine. I was just texting my mom and telling her I'm staying here tonight."

(Tweak residence)

Mrs.Tweak was cutting onions for her dinner when she noticed a new text message from her son that read: Staying at Stan's house tonight, will be back tomorrow morning.

She sighed.

This was the second time her son had chosen to stay at someone else's house this month. She missed her son but at the same time, she understood why. What nine-year-old boy wants to stay home and listen to his parent's fight?

Richard had left earlier that morning. Knowing him, he would stay at the local motel and stay there for a day or two before coming home. This suited her just fine because she was still angry at her husband for his selfishness. How could Richard justify trying to take his own son's inheritance away from him?"

Mrs.Tweak then looked at the TV to see a particularly interesting news report.

"Authorities are worried that serial child murderer, Johhny English may try and resurface, three child corpses were found in a storm drain in West Park. Parents are advised to keep their children indoors until Johnny English is recaptured."

Mrs.Tweak dropped her knife onto the counter as she heard this. She then thought about calling tweek and telling him to come home but she then decided not to. It probably wasn't the best thing to do with her son's condition, The Marsh Residents was right next door and they were both responsible parents... Well at least Sharon was and if she heard anything new about Johnny English, she would call walk over to the Marsh house and bring Tweek home.

(Outside of New South Park)

Mr.Garrison held out his thumb to every car that passed by. A Beat up pickup truck stopped for him.

"Thanks for stopping for me. Are you heading towards South park?" Mr.Garrison asked.

The man behind the wheel gestured for Mr. Garrison to come into the truck.

Mr.Garrison noticed that there were a lot of photos of young children with red exes over their eyes.

"So ugh, you must really like children. I used to be a Grade school teacher, ya know. I'm thinking of getting back into it."

"That's an excellent idea, New Friend. Anything involving children is good." The Driver said.

Mr.Garrison noticed the creepy smile on the Driver's face.

"Ah geez, You're not one of those N.a.m.b.l.a creeps, are you?"

"No. They hurt children. I set them free."

As they drove into New South Park, Mr.Garrison noticed several serrated blades in the truck, most of them still had bloodstains.

"So ugh, are you a hunter?"

"In a way, yes. I hunt children that are suffering and free them from their suffering. Say,you used to be a grade school teacher, right? You must know a lot of kids. Any of your former students live near here?"

"Oh ya, they all do. Stanly Marsh, Kyle Broflovski, Tweek Tweak and That Asian kid, Kevin Stoley. There was also this fat kid who's named escapes me. Wish I could remember where they lived so I could introduce you to them.

"Oh, I'm sure you could find out where they live if you had the right incentive."

The Driver then put a gun to Mr.Garrison's head.

"Show me where you're students live or ill paint the inside of this truck with your blood!"

"Ok, ok, ill show you were I remember One of my former students lives."

"Good, now lead the way and no funny business!"

(Testaburger Residents)

Wendy, Bebe, Lola, and  Millie were watching a romantic Werewolf movie.

"I can't stay here anymore. I have to go. Goodbye, forever, Eliza."

The Dark-haired man then kissed Eliza before transforming into a werewolf and ran out into the night, after which the credits began to roll.

The Four girls began to tear up as the movie ended. Out of all the girl's Wendy was the one who was tearing up the most.

"Are you ok, Wendy?" Bebe asked her best friend.

Wendy wiped away a tear then nodded her head.

"Ya, I'm fine. It's just so sad that they couldn't be together. I don't know why I chose this movie." Wendy said.

"Oh, please, Wendy. You wanted to watch this movie because you wanted to Imagine Stan as the Werewolf and you as Eliza." Lola said.

Wendy Blushed when she heard this. Lola, Bebe, and Millie all gave Wendy a Triumphant smile, which made wendy blush Evan more.

"So what if I imagined stan and myself in their roles? Are you guys going to tell me that you didn't imagine Kyle, Butters, and Tweek as the handsome werewolves and you as the Damsels?"

Now it was Bebe, Millie, and Lola's turn to blush.

"I wonder what our boys are doing now?" Lola asked.

"Kyle texted me earlier. He told me that there having a sleepover at Stan's house." Bebe said.

Wendy, Millie, and Lola noticed an evil smile begin to form on Bebe's face as she finished talking.

"Ugh, Bebe, what's going on with your face?" Millie asked.

"Hear me out, Girls. What if we sneak out and join our boyfriends for an evening of kissing and romantic Cuddling." Bebe said.

"I'm in. I need to see my Studmuffin, Butters as soon as possible." Lola said.

"I don't know, Bebe. I'd love to spend some Quality time with my Booboo Bear, Stan but won't your parents notice that we're all missing?"

"They won't because there both going to Ms.Cartman's Halloween party. We have to wait for them to go, then we'll sneak away to stans house."

"what if your parents come home and see that we're not here?" Millie asked.

"Oh, Don't worry about that. Whenever my parents go to Ms. Cartman's parties, they don't come back till 8:30 Am at the Earliest. We'll leave Stan's house at 6:00 and sneak back before my parents come home."

Millie then noticed bright lights coming from the front yard.

"Uh oh, looks like your plans for romance might have to be put on hold, Bebe. It looks like your mom and dad hired a baby sitter."

"What are you talking about? My parents never hire baby sitters, there too cheap."

"Well, they must have called someone cause There's an old beat-up Truck in your driveway.

To be continued

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