Ch.2 Chopped

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Chapter 2

Clare hated the palace. With every cell in her body she hated the place.

It was a constant roller coaster ride no matter where she went. Most of the time she hid out in her room or on the roof away from everyone but she could never get away far enough.

"Would you like coffee, your grace?" Layla asked as she held up the coffee pot.

Clare looked up from the book in her hands and frowned. The woman had a pleasant smile on her face but she could never hide from Clare.

"Layla," Clare sighed, setting her book down. "Take the rest of the day off, please."

The smile on Layla's face wavered, "Your grace?"

"You should be with your mother right now," Clare said. "I'll speak to Vivian and see how we can set up for you to have some more vacation days."

As she spoke, Clare felt the pressure in her chest start to rise. Layla's eyes watered as she tried to hold herself together.

"Thank you, your grace. This means a lot to me. My mother has been sick for a while now."

"I know," Clare nodded. "Go spend some time with her. You don't have much longer."

Suddenly, all the color drained from Layla's face. She opened her mouth but no words came out. Clare's body filled with hopelessness and dread. She bit down on her jaw to keep the emotions at bay as Layla struggled to speak.

" mother......"

Clare frowned, "I'm sorry, Layla.....I really think you should go home now."

The tears Layla had been trying so hard to keep at locked up began to pour out. She nodded her head silently and set the coffee pot down before walking out of the room, leaving Clare to deal with the heartache.

The clock in the room began to click in the silence. Clare sat still as a rock staring at the coffee pot. The dark liquid began to simmer and then boil as she channeled all her energy into the glass pot. It didn't take long for the metal handle to heat up before the pot exploded.

Clare didn't flinch when the glass shards went flying around her room. She took slow steady breaths and watched the liquid soak into the ivory table cloth. The fabric began to stain and the room filled with the scent of coffee.

With a sigh, Clare rubbed her forehead and opened her mind-link to her Queen's guard.

Joseph, please bring the car around.

Would you like me to inform the other guards? Joseph asked.

No, Clare responded. Just you.

With that, she rose from her seat and dropped her napkin on her untouched breakfast. Quickly changing into a pair of joggers, Clare tied her hair back and pulled on a thin jacket suitable for the winter rain outside.

By the time she changed and made her way down to the lobby, Joseph was already waiting for her. His murky green eyes watched her as she made her way down the stairs. She could feel his gaze wrap around her curves. Wanting to get away from Layla's emotions, Clare turned herself over to the lust Joseph had for her.

"Good morning, your grace," the man bowed his head with a small smirk on his lips.

"Morning, Joseph," Clare took in a deep breath of his cologne. She quietly followed him to the car and slipped into the backseat. Her eyes watched the palace disappear in the rear view mirror as the car pulled out onto the deserted roads.

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