6:00am  in the kitchen..
Liang walks in with a gloomy and dark look on her face.

Hasuki: Good morning Miss Lei!
Liang *stares at Hasuki*: Mother there is a man in the kitchen and he is stealing our food.
Hasuki: Eh! She's different today! Not the sunny girl I saw yesterday.
Hasuki: I made breakfast for you. Enjoy!

Liang's mother Juan, smiles..
Juan: That is Hasuki dear. He brought you home yesterday. Thank you for making breakfast Hasuki, you shouldn't have bothered; really. Liang sit and eat with us!
Liang: No thanks. I'm not hungry. Mom, what's the time?
Juan*irritated, angry*: Now I see that you're back to yourself!

Unexpectedly, Hasuki chucks food in her mouth and she swallows.
Liang *angrily*: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!
Hasuki *smiles*: Nothing. Just that you must eat..for energy. You become weak if you do not eat.
Liang *folds arms*: Yeah right, whoever you are..you can't force me to eat!
Hasuki *smirks a little*: Uhm, yes I can.
Liang: Mother who is this guy and when is he going?!
Juan: Second time I tell you. His name is Hasuki and I don't think he is going anytime soon. He has no family at the time, he doesn't know where they are...so I gave him the guest room.
Liang: What? Mom, you cannot trust a boy you met just yesterday. Seriously.
Juan: He's staying Liang. I'm not asking for your permission. I have a reason to trust him enough...he is the one who saved your life after that..
* Hasuki quickly interrupts*
Hasuki: Sorry to disturb Miss Lei but it is almost 7:00.
Juan: Oh, thank you. Liang please show him around the place, outside I mean. I also gave Hasuki some of your brother's clothes since he had none.

* Hasuki quietly grabs a fork with eggs while Liang and her mother are talking*

Hasuki: Say aaaaaa..!!

* Hasuki chugs the food in her mouth. She makes a shrieking scream, irritated and angry*


*Liang starts  punching Hasuki on his arm. He smiles and begins to hum as a way of showing her how unbothered he was *

Liang: Go! Go away! Go away and don't come back!
Juan: Haa! Hasuki you can stop feeding her now. Look at you two acting like siblings already. Haha. I'm leaving, I am late for work.
* Juan shuts the door and goes to work*

Liang ( covering her mouth): I don't feel so good.
Liang:*suddenly starts to run *
Hasuki:Where are you running to?!

Liang gets in the bathroom and shuts the door fast.

Hasuki * knocking on the door*: Liang! What is the problem?
Hasuki: I am not going anywhere until you tell me what is wrong.

Liang opens the door angrily, almost hitting Hasuki with it.
Liang: Fine then! I have an eating disorder. I ate when I wasn't hungry yet!
Hasuki: Uhm..

Hasuki suddenly shuts his eyes completely.
Liang: Hasuki??
Hasuki * open eyes*: Huh?
Liang: Are you okay?
Hasuki *smirks*: What? Were you worried?
Liang: NO!
Hasuki: Okay. I'm sorry for that. It's just..
Liang: No, no, no, don't even tell me. I don't care.
Hasuki: Oh. Okay.
Wow. My brain hurts. What happened?? It's like my mind shut down for a second and came back on with the meaning of eating disorder. Now I know what that is.
Liang: Come! My mother said I should show you around. Let's go!
Hasuki: Okay. But Liang you forgot your...
Liang: HEY! Let's go Hasuki!
Hasuki: Okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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