Chapter 4: We Can't be Friends

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It has been a few weeks since we had arrived at Hogwarts. I woke up to the sound of Pansy talking in her sleep. Something about Draco and... their child?? Anyways, I got into my Clothes and Uniform and had my hair naturally down.

I woke up Pansy and went into the common room before breakfast started. The only other person in the common room were some 6th years that I didn't know, so I just decided to read a book. I had Potions first class and Professor Snape is really hard on students. Especially if you're not in Slytherin. Thank goodness I am, or else I would've failed Potions.

I was just reading when I heard Draco, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle come out of their dorms.

"Good morning boys," I said as they walked over to me.

"Morning Em. What are you reading?" Blaise asked.

"Oh, just studying for Potions class," I said while showing them the cover of the book.

Pansy had finally gotten out of our dorm and we all headed to the Great Hall to get breakfast. When we had sat down, Draco turned around to the Gryffindor table.

Oh no what's he going to do now, I thought.
Then I heard Draco say...

"Pottah! Pottah!" which caught Harry's attention, "Is it true you fainted? I mean you actually fainted." Draco said with a grin.

Then one of the Weasleys, Ron, replied "Shove off Malfoy."

The three gryffindors turned back around to what they were originally doing before Draco interrupted them.

"Draco, give him a brea-" I started to say. But was interrupted by Diggory.

"Hey Em, is it alright if we talk after first period?" he asked.

"Oh uh sure!" I replied.

"Alright see you then. Meet me by the hufflepuff common room," he said firmly.

"Oooh Pretty Boy wants to have a talk" Draco joked.

"Oh shut it and eat." I replied rolling my eyes.

After breakfast, I headed to potions class just in time.

"Ah, hello Ms.. Black. Just in time." Professor Snape said to me.

I sat down next to a girl in Ravenclaw. I don't have any classes with any of my friends given the fact that most of them are 3rd years and one a 6th year.

"Today we.. will be..." Snape was saying but I was dozing off thinking about what Cedric wanted to talk about.

It seemed like only 15 minutes had gone by but then, "Ms. Black.. would you like to explain what I was talking about?" Snape asked seeing as I was not paying attention.

"Oh uhm. I-I'm not quite sure..." I said nervously.

"Hm very well 5 points from Slytherin." He declared.

Thank goodness I wasn't in another house or else that would've been 20 points.

About 30 minutes later class was over. So I decided to head to the Hufflepuff Common Room.

Cedric was always so kind to me. He was outgoing and fun to be around. He invited me to his house for Christmas last year and his parents were so welcoming. They didn't care about my dad and his past.

For some reason after I last visit him last summer, he never lettered me or asked to hang out. Even if I asked if he wanted to hang out, he would decline. I had realized we had gotten quite distant.

Maybe he wanted to talk so we could catch up a bit, I thought.

I was waiting outside the Hufflepuff common room for about 5 minutes when Cedric came out.

"Oh Em, you're here," he said.

"Yeah! So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I'm really sorry Em, but I don't think we can be friends anymore," he said firmly.

"W- What?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄 - DISCONTINUED -Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant