Chapter 31

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The first few weeks at the manor weren't too bad. Of course, it was hard cleaning a huge mansion that was hundreds of acres across the land. But, I was still very grateful that I had somewhere to live. Draco and I hadn't spoken much unless we had to tell each other that Lucius or Narcissa needed us. I had been at the Manor for about three or four weeks. Besides cleaning the whole place, the only thing I really did was read, and the only books I had were books from school, so that wasn't fun at all.

I had finally finished cleaning one of the bathrooms, so I went back to my room. I opened the door to see Cedric's quidditch jersey shredded to pieces, "No, no, no!" I said, as I picked up the remaining pieces of the jersey. I sat down at the edge of my bed and closed my eyes. It was getting easier, of not crying over Cedric's death, but when things happened like this, it felt exactly like how it did when I went to the Hospital Wing, after the third task, and Madam Pomfrey confirmed Ced's death, all over again. I didn't want to seem dramatic, but it was hard.

After calming down a bit, I sat down at my vanity, and took out the diary Harry, Hermione, and Ron had given me for my 16th birthday. I then decided to write a 'diary' entry or a letter, to Cedric. Every time I had gotten a 'panic' attack, or I just needed to talk to Cedric, I would take out the diary and pretend that after I would write a letter, it would be sent to him. 

            I found your jersey ripped up in my room today. Well, really it's not my room. I'm at the Malfoy Manor right now. I don't think I ever mentioned that I got into an argument with my father. I left Grimmaulds Place, and came here. Anyway, I've been doing a lot better without you here, but it gets hard sometimes.
I know so many people miss you. All your friends miss you, a lot. I mean, even Fred and George miss you, although they won't say it. I can tell they miss their quidditch rival.
Your father misses you the most, that's for sure. I lettered your father the other day, and he said he's been doing okay, but I know he hasn't been doing any better than me.
And, even though your jersey is ripped up, I'm still keeping my promise about keeping on the ring forever. I'll try to sew up the jersey.
I love you and miss you so much Ced. I wish you were still here. Maybe then, my life wouldn't have turned upside down.

Miss you,
Emery ♥︎

"Are you crying?" I heard coming from the doorway. I looked up and saw Draco leaning on the doorframe, with his arms crossed.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked him, as I was wiping my few tears away with my jacket.

"Not long, probably a solid two minutes," Draco replied walking into the room, "Is that Diggory's quidditch jersey?"

"Yes..", I said, standing up and picking up the pieces of the jersey, "What do you want exactly?" I asked him since he had just barged in.

"Oh, right. Father wants to see us both," Draco answered.

"Merlin, what does he want," I said, "Does he need me to fetch his little friends a drink? A bath? Did someone's owl leave a mess behind?"

There had been many of Lucius and Narcissa's friends coming over a lot. I never saw them much, but I would here them come in and out of the house everyday.

"Well, come on then," Draco said.

"Yeah, yeah, i'm coming," I said as I put down the pieces of the jersey, and I followed Draco downstairs.

"Hey Draco," A boy said when he had walked down the stairs.

"Leonardo," Draco replied to Leonardo.

"You must be Emery," Leonardo said with a smile.

"Yeah, hi," I said still confused on who he was.

"Draco, who is he?" I whispered to my cousin, hoping the Leonardo couldn't hear me.

"You know I can hear you, right?" Leonardo said with a small laugh, earning a nervous laugh from me. There was awkward silence the whole time the three of us were walking around the house.

"Hang on, Draco where is Lucius wanting us to see him?" I asked.

"Here," Draco said, and standing in front of us were the doors to the family room, Lucius specifically said for me to never enter.

"What? Draco, you know your father said I should never go in there," I said.

"Well, that's what he told me. To come here," He said, receiving an eye roll from me, "All right, I'll knock! No need to be rude."

After Draco had knocked, Lucius had opened the grand doors.

"Oh, good, you're all here," Lucius said exiting the room and closing the doors behind him, "Now, before we go in, you must not ask any questions, unless you are told, or asked to. And, you must not tell anyone about this. Am I understood?"

"Yes," He received from the three of us.

"Good," Lucius said. He then opened the doors and we all walked in. 

There were four of Lucius' friends standing around the room. There was someone sitting in the big chair in the center of the room, but I couldn't see his face, since they were turned around.

"Sir, they are here," Lucius said.

"Good," The voice said.

"It's very lovely to see you today," They continued, as they were turning around in the chair.

Then, I saw him.


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