Chapter 4 - celebration

Start from the beginning

He sat down and looked up to me.

,,Take a seat please."

I sat down and looked at him bewildered.

,,So, I wanted to know you better, because you seem like you are sympathetic and beautiful." He smiled

,,So you're telling me, that you think that I'm sympathetic. And you recognized that, because I'm beautiful?"

,,Um, I didn't mea- I just wan- . Look, I just thought we could be friends, because you were nice and-"

,,And that's the way you're trying to be friends with me? By grabbing my wrist and leading me to an empty table in the corner of the room?"

His smile turned into a serious gaze.

,,I'm sorry. Do I have a second chance? I'll do better."

,,Let me think" I pretended to think, but I knew the answer was yes, because he seemed like he was really sorry.

,,Ok." I said after a few seconds.

,,Good." he smiled.

,,What's your lastname?"

,,Uh, (y/l/n)" I wondered why he asked for my last name.

He stood up and faced me.

,,(y/n) (y/l/n), may I have this dance?" He held out his hand.

,,Fine" I rolled my eyes jokingly and smiled.

He took my hand gently and led me to the dance floor. He grabbed my waist and held my other hand, while dancing slowly to the slow song, which was playing.

I never let a boy touch my waist, so I put his hands off my waist. I felt like it's wrong. I couldn't let some strange boy, who I just met barely 10 minutes ago, grab my waist.

,,What's wrong?" He asked me confused and took my chin, so I would face him. But I shook my head, so that he didn't touch my chin anymore.

I felt eyes on me. Someone was watching and listening to the whole conversation. I tried to see who the person was and turned around. I tried to see who the person was. It was- Malfoy?

I looked at him. Why was Malfoy staring at Louis? I felt an odd feeling in my stomach.

,,(y/n)? Hello? Who are you looking at?" Louis asked, while trying to get my attention.

,,Um, n-no one."

Malfoy looked at him with anger in his eyes, but turned away as he noticed, that I saw him.

He walked upstairs.

,,I'm tired. I will go to bed, Louis." I told him.

,,Um- are you not going to answer my question?" He got louder.

,,Louis, um- we could be friends and  definitely nothing else. This dance offer was nice, but in the future I want you to know, that I don't want you to get that close to me."

,,Ok" he rolled his eyes.

,,I'll see you in Hogwarts. I'm in Slytherin, too."


He was really odd and if i'm being honest, I didn't really want him to be my friend, but at least I could have one friend, that was in the same house as me.

I walked upstairs and heard Parkinson laughing. I followed her voice and walked in a room. I opened the door and saw Malfoy, Parkinson, Zabini, Crabbe, Goyle and Nott sitting at the couch.
Parkinson turned to face me.

,,(y/l/n), what are you doing here?" she asked annlyed.

,,I don't see a problem." Nott smirked.

I was still confused about what was going on. I saw Malfoy death staring Nott.

What was wrong with him. I've never seen Malfoy like that-

,,Come and sit with us" Nott said.

I sat down next to him and he threw his arm over my shoulder and held me tightly. I tried to keep holding distance, but that was  impossible.

,,So, (y/n). May I address you by your first name?" He looked down to me.

,,No, please call me by my last name." I tried to avoid the eye contact.

,,Oh c'mon."

I looked over to Malfoy and saw him staring at Nott. He looked at him the same way he had looked at Louis five minutes ago.

,,So we're playing truth or dare."


,,I'll start" Parkinson shouted.

She pretended to think and looked at me.

,,(y/l/n)" she smirked. ,,Truth or dare?"

,,Truth" I said nervously.

,,Did you have your first kiss yet?" She smirked

,,Um" Everyone looked at me now, waiting for an answer.

,,No" They began to laugh at me.

,,Are-are y-" Nott was interrupted by his own laughs ,,Are you serious?" he kept laughing.

,,Idiots." I whispered under my breath. ,,Parkinson." I ignored the laughs and called her. ,,Truth or dare?"


,,We will change our seats and you will sit with Not, until the end of the game."

She looked at me and then to Nott, disgusted. Nott looked at me as well.
I stood up.

,,What? Are you scared, Parkinson? Don't worry, he won't bite" I said and looked down to her.

She stood up, came closer, gave me a death glare again and sat down. Both of them were uncomfortable and Parkinson crossed her arms. I sat between Zabini and Malfoy.

,,It's my turn now." Crabbe said and looked around to pick someone.

,,Draco, truth or dare?"


,,Do you have a crush on someone?"

,,oooh" everyone else said.

,,Guys, you already know. My baby and I are meant for each other." Parkinson grinned.

,,Shut it Parkinson!" Parkinson was quite with eyes full of tears. She ran away.

,,No" he said coldly.

,,I think I will go to bed" I stood up and walked out of the room.

I walked tiredly into my room. It was an exhausting day. The celebration itself, Louis, my thoughts and more. Now, I just wanted to sleep. I wore my pajamas, went to bed, but couldn't sleep.

Later, I managed to fall asleep.


A/N : I hope you enjoyed reading! Vote if you liked it and comment if you want to.

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