4. Contact

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Yaoyorozu POV

Whew, I'm exhausted. I thought as I slumped into my office couch.

A five-minute nap will definitely do the trick. I feel so comfortable right now I don't even want to move. I don't even want to think...just nap.


You have got to be kidding me.

"Whatever it is Rin, I'm sure it can wait. I just got back from two straight hours of patrolling and I'd like some rest."

"I do apologize, Creati-san but you received an email."


"From pro-hero Cellophane."

I quirked my brows upwards.

Sero reached out back to me?

I sat up and grabbed the device from Rin's hand to read the email.

Hey Yaoyorozo, I've recently received an email stating that you're interested in teaming up for a mission with me and other classmates. I do miss you guys and have been looking forward to teaming up with you, but right now I'm currently in Mexico taking care of some personal matters. There's no telling when I'll be back so I do hope you'll forgive me for not having a chance to be included on the mission. I hope all is well and you guys successfully complete the mission. Sorry, I couldn't be there.

-Hanta Sero.

Damnit. We lost Sero.

Well at least he's alright. I shot him back a thank you email before closing the device.

Exhausted, I sighed. I hope the others are having better luck hunting classmates than I am. The electronic device buzzed dissecting my concentration, I looked at the name that popped up.


I accepted the call.

"Ohayo Kendou- san, or should I say Tseutseu-san?" I chuckled leaning onto the couch. The kink in my neck flared up as I did so. Momentarily, I winced and decided to soothe it with the pads of my fingers.

Kendou laughed wholeheartedly. Her laugh was always warm and bright. She'd sometimes come over to my agency and we'd enjoy lunch together. I found myself missing those interactions lately.

"Ohayo Yaoyorozo, and you can call me whatever you want. I did marry the idiot, didn't I?" I smiled at her words.

"How's the honeymoon? I bet your new husband can't keep his hands off you."

She chuckled nervously, something she only did when she's flustered.

"He's uhhh hunting crabs right now," she sounded frustrated.

"That's uhm... interesting," I continued to kneed out the knots in my neck.

"So how's my maid-of-honor doing?"

A few months ago, my high school rival and close friend wedded her classmate, Tseutseu Tseutseu (ingenious name, I know) and I was asked to be her maid of honor. Though it wasn't a grand wedding, it certainly was charming.

The way he looked at her as she walked down the aisle warmed my heart.

"Quite horribly in fact. I'm leading a mission and I've already had a stroke of bad luck when it comes to finding teammates."

"Awww I'm sorry to hear that, Bubs," she referred to me as the child like nick name she calls everyone to try and comfort them.

"It's fine at least I have three other members so far."

𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮Where stories live. Discover now