The Stray

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Chapter 10: The Stray

It's kind of shit, but it's mine lmao ^ 



"Oh my god, that was amazing."

The groaned words of pleasure had fallen from one CJ Maybank's mouth as the Pogues traveled from Kiara Carrera's house to the Routledge Chateau. The J's had just finished their heavenly hot showers, having been snuck into Kie's house while her parents were out. Over the last week and a half, the only wash the three had gotten was one very cold shower before their water ran out, and the halfassed rinse the ocean gave them. They were all relieved for warmth and soap and JJ would be lying if he said he didn't spend too much time under that multi-function showerhead.

John B and JJ responded at the same time, simple hums of approval falling from their lips. The oldest Maybank was seating behind his sister, lounging back with his signature thin joint between his lips. All of the Pogues were decked out in jackets and long-sleeves, pants coating the legs that were usually donned with shorts. A storm had run through OBX the day prior, pushing a cold front and some mild rain through the island today. The forecast (according to Pope's assumptions) called for clear skies tomorrow and CJ had already brought up heading out on the water which was answered by a resounding shout that could only mean they'd be on the water for hours.

"Seriously, Kie, I think I'm gonna have to steal your showerhead." John B joked, a crooked smile covering his face as he glanced back to the girl. "You think your parents would notice it was missing?"

Twirling a piece of hair around her finger, Kie looked at the boy with sarcasm clear in her eyes. "No, John B, I think they'll look at the empty space that a showerhead used to be and simply think, 'oh, isn't something supposed to go there?'"

Cracking up, JJ leaned forward, trying to hand the joint over to his sister. When she simply waved him off, he scoffed but handed her the Juul instead, which she took with a grateful smile. They both knew the reason she said no was because she hated JJ's joints, something he took great offense from.

"Anyone got any ideas for the day? It's still early and I'm bored."

"JJ, it's almost seven and you're always bored."

Leaning forward, he pointed at Kie, partially with his finger and partially with the joint. "Now, that is just not true. You just don't know how to have fun."

"J, there's not much to do today. It's a boring day. Suck it up and just accept that tonight is board games and beer."

Groaning at his sister's words, JJ plopped back against the side of the van, finishing off his joint as they pulled into the Routledge abode's driveway. Before he had even parked, Pope was already pulling open the door and jumping out. CJ rolled her eyes fondly, knowing that the boy was simply excited to play Clue; something that every one of them knew he would insist on playing first.

"You guys suck. You left me all alone all morning to go work," he dragged the word out, obviously annoyed, "and then once you get off it's 'JJ, we can't do this' and 'JJ, we can't do that.' We can do anything, damnit! We're Pogues!"

None of them were quite sure if JJ was planning on continuing his tirade because as soon as they walked past the front door to see Peterkin with a raised eyebrow and a hand on her hip, everyone shut up. With an 'I'm out of here' and a 'yeah me too,' Kie and Pope took off on JJ's bike, neither wanting to deal with the outcome of the police being at the house. Pope had a scholarship to look forward to, after all, and Kie was just tired of listening to her parents go on about those she affiliated with.

The Strays ⎈John B Routledge⎈Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ