The Wreck

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Chapter 8: The Wreck

My gif ^


"Where've you been?" 

That was the first thing the pair heard as they walked through the door for work. Of course, Kie already had an answer ready as CJ slunk into the kitchen. "I got up early to go to John B's before work. I needed to talk to CJ." 

Mike Carrera nodded, mostly focused on the putty he was spreading on the wall. Pulling away, he held out the objects to his daughter. "Here, keep spackling. I'm gonna go help Claire." 

The girls were there early, before most people started showing up. The only ones there were random people in need of coffee and a family of tourists; the two teenagers obviously having been unwillingly pulled from bed. CJ was scheduled to prep today while Kie waited tables. With no orders, the girl was seen cutting up tomatoes when Mike rounded the corner. It was easy to see the bruises on her face as all of them were on the side of her face that was turned toward him and despite the red bandana she used to cover her neck, Mike could see the handprint poking through. 

Mike couldn't count the number of times CJ had come to work with bruises or red marks or cuts in the last year. Sometimes, it was from work or fights or the girl just getting roughed up but he knew the times when it wasn't. Like now. 

Now, Mike didn't like Kiara's friends. Sometimes, he thought they were alright, but he worried Kie might get dragged down with them. The only one he actually liked was CJ. Despite her impressive record and sometimes short temper, he knew she was a good kid. She was always polite with customers (and most people) unless they were overly rude and she always showed up on time. She worked hard and she was a good friend to his daughter. She stuck up for her when rude Kooks came into the restaurant and always tried to take the fault for things Kie did wrong. There'd been a few times over the years when he'd accidentally overheard conversations at slumber parties and Mike knew CJ was much too good a soul to have the life she was handed. 

That was why he sometimes fed the kids. It's why they had a standing agreement that Mike would give them ice during blackouts. It's why he didn't put up so many fights about the kids Kie hung around. It was why he offered to prep while CJ cooked when an order came in, knowing the girl loved to cook. It was one of her happy places, hearing things sizzle and pop. He did these small things to try and make her life a little easier and to thank her for being there for Kie. To try and keep them out of trouble. He doubted the reasonings would ever be consciously noticed, but he didn't want them to be. 

The three of them worked alone until eleven when another waiter came in. Kie took her break shortly after and found the boys outside, dragging them the rest of the way inside. As soon as she had them seated by the back door, CJ noticed them through the serving window. A smile immediately split her cheeks once she realized Pope was with them; a grin on his face as JJ shoved him down onto a chair. 

"Make 'em some food. Nothin' too expensive." 

Turning to where Mike was standing, she raised an eyebrow at the knowing grin on his face. "You sure?" 

"Yeah. They look hungry. You and Kie can take off after that." He told her, looking down to continue cutting a bell pepper. "Martin's here and Alice will be in at 2. We'll be fine." 

"You got it, chief." She saluted with a spatula, turning back to throw burgers on the grill.

It didn't take long for CJ to finish dishing out everyone's food. Maneuvering around lazily pulled out chairs and a leaving patron, she brought it out with a smile. She was still a bit wary, but after her conversation with Kie and seeing Pope's mood, she was less worried. She still held a high amount of disgust for herself, and probably always would, but those negative emotions were easy to push back when her friends didn't look at her like a pariah. 

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