Honeymoon part 3

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Alyssa's POV

"You gotta get up,
You gotta get up and make a move
'cause the world will never see you till you dooo"

My alarm sang. Ugh! I hate it so much! My alarm...not the song, I love Tatiana Manaois so much.

Anyways, I quickly shut my alarm and jumped off the bed.

This time around, Jordan slept in the sitting room, meaning I'm alone in the room. Great!

I moved to the bathroom to start my morning routine

When I was done, I took a shower, brushed my teeth, washed my hair and rubbed Shea butter on my body

I walked out of the bathroom and opened the closet to pick an outfit for the day

It was a short yellow dress that I had bought a day to my bridal shower, I didn't even want it but my really annoying best friend decided that it was a must I bought it, so I did

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It was a short yellow dress that I had bought a day to my bridal shower, I didn't even want it but my really annoying best friend decided that it was a must I bought it, so I did.

I tied my long hair into a neat ponytail and put on my rabbit flip-flops

I decided that since I'm not going anywhere, I'd just stay natural, no makeup

When I was done, I rushed out to meet an empty couch, where'd he go?

I turned around to go to the kitchen when I saw Jordan on his way to the room

"Good morning Ali" he said his back facing me


"I'm heading to the bathroom, I'll be back soon"

"I'm gonna make breakfast, see ya" I said moving towards the kitchen

I honestly don't know what to cook because I don't know what ingredients my mother-in-law had bought

I saw some bread on the counter, some cheese, butter, mayo, bacon, turkey, salt, seasonings and spices, tomatoes, pasta, rice and noodles

I also saw some fruits: peaches, apples, bananas, pineapples and oranges. Lovely!

I decided that the best thing for me to prepare is club sandwich and some diced fruits

After making the club sandwich, I divided it into two, I had already diced the fruit, I'd arranged everything on a plate, all that was left was for Jordan to come and eat

Few moments later Jordan came downstairs

"It's good" Jordan said

"Thank you" I replied

I've been thinking about this topic for a long time even before our marriage so now I think it is the best time to speak about it before we go back into the world as husband and wife

"Jordan, I've been meaning to ask" I started "we should have a nickname for each other because almost every couple have a nickname, I feel like having a nickname for each other will make our relationship seem more believable in public, you know?  So I think that we should give ourselves a nickname and most likely not from the name everyone calls us. I mean, my parents and my sister call me Lisa and other people call me Ali but I don't want you to call me Lisa or Ali. I want you to call me something else, something different, so we would seem more believable and since you don't have a nickname, I could just pick one from... Leonardo, I don't know I just wanted to know what you think about it" I rambled

"Firstly, slow down lady and secondly, I think I'll give you a nickname from your name Hailey, let's see Hailey, Hailey, Hay-lee, Hay-lee. That's it! Lee! I'll just call you Lee and you could call me..." He said stroking his chin

"Leo! Lee and Leo! I like the sound of that"

"Yeah, me too" he said digging into his food once more

And now the silence...


Hey guys! It's me and I'm back with another chapter!!! Yay!!!!!
Question about the chapter:
What do you think about their nickname Leo and Lee?
Question for me:
What is my name?
Miracle (Mimi)
See you in the next chapter!!!

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