Chapter 4

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Jerson's POV

I am here at my room preparing for my things when my manager called again. Heck!

"Hello." I have no energy to answer his call.

"Jerson please. Don't do what you are planning to do. This is for you also. Please, the company will suffer." He pleaded.

Then, I think all the fans that support me all the years. I really want to thank them for their support.

But then, Monah pops in my mind. She's the reason why I'll stepped down in showbiz. I want to spend my time with her. We have been apart for twenty years. I miss her so much so I want to let her feel that I am here at her side.

"I am already sure of my decision. I'm sorry Rex. I want to spend my time with my sister. And also, thank you for the years of taking care of me. Bye." I ended the call.

After preparing my things, I went to Monah's room. I knocked 3 times and Monah opens the door.

"Hello oppa! ^_^"

"What's oppa?" I asked.

"Well, in Korea, girls do call oppa to the boys older than them. ^_^"

"Okay. So, can I come in?"

"Oh sure, oppa! Please come in." Then she let me in in her room.

Our hotel room is like an apartment. There are 3 rooms so it looks like a  apartment.

As I entered her room, one thing caught my eyes is her laptop. I went near it and found out that he edits a picture of me and a picture of a guy that who looks like me. Who's this guy? Is this Monah's boyfriend?

"Monah, who is this guy?" I pointed at her laptop.

"Oppa, that is Myungsoo from INFINITE. He's handsome, isn't?"

"Is he sort of an idol? From Korea?"

"Yes." Well, I guess she is a fangirl.

I went near her and study her features. We do have the same eyes and nose. And she's pretty. Looks like I do need to protect my sister to guys. Because I know what a man feels when they see a girl that has a beauty that is the same with Monah. I'm also a man, guys.

Monah's POV

"Oppa, why?" I asked. He looks like studying me?

But instead of answering me, he just hug me tightly. But not on the stage that I can't breath.

"I miss you Monah. I promise you I'll be taking care of you. Wherever you go, I will be there with you." I can't help myself not to cry. I am so fluttered on what he said.

After the drama session, he went to his room because he said he's tired of the flight.

As I am about to sleep, I can't keep myself smiling like an idiot facing my laptop with EXO on wallpaper. I am so excited to see them.

After being an idiot, I proceed to my dreamland. I hope tomorrow will be a good day.

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